Saturday, July 16, 2022

Pipelines Of Money

 Yes my friends, it's wondrous to watch our United States Congress in action. Yes it is. There's taxpayer monies to be tossed around and dang if'n our Congress, House and Senate, can't toss that good old American money around fast enough and like it was confetti. The 'life escalated' State of Utah's congressional delegation and that would include Senator Mittens Romney AND Representatives Chrissy 'girly boy' Stewart and Burpee 'I's a coming massah' Owens in the U.S. House, have banded together like good Mormons are want to do and introduced conjoined at the hip pieces of legislation to "alleviate the dire condition and dying of the Great Salt Lake." The conjoined legislation even has an official political title and that would be..." The Great Salt Lake Recovery Act." Almost gives any last American the chills to witness such a bold stroke of legislative genius. The legislation bottom lines this way, 10 million dollars and thats to be U$D, goes to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers so the Engineers can monitor and access water availability and conditions of saline lakes in the Great Basin Desert. ALSO, the study is to underline the feasibility of a pipeline from the Pacific Ocean to the Great Salt Lake to pump ocean water into Utah's dying inland salt sea. Well, it's more like a pond anymore and that's no shit. Utah and to highlight the inbred and ignorant political leadership of the Grate State of Utah, has done absolutely nothing to alleviate the condition of the Great Salt Lake and that absolute nothing has been eating at the Great Salt Lake for years and years. As an undeniable aside, it would take years to construct a pipeline from the Pacific Ocean to Utah's Great Salt Lake and that's IF the entire West Coast of the United States were to sign on to the notion and not to mention the State of Nevada and probably Idaho. Oregon and Washington and of course Canada and Mexico would need to be involved. Years and years and years and...

How about some Saturday machine art to soothe a laughing hysterically soul. Yes and as a disclaimer, I'm born and raised in Utah. I don't live there anymore but...

rah-cism -

cavern not in a canyon -

spilled -

did you know that Utah's boy Governor SpenSir Cox was recently elected to head the National Governors Association? hold on to your butts America ain't seen nothing yet. 💃👻👦

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