Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Bet You Didn't Know...

 You need an "emotional robot." Yup. For all those that are 'emotionally dependent' well, there's a partner for you. Granted the partner isn't exactly warm and cuddly. Or even warm. It's a dang machine. Some Japanese billionaire has devised a machine that will "be there for you." You know like when you need a hug. Or words of encouragement. Wait, I'm not certain if this 'emotional robot' can speak. In a language possibly understood by people. Not some computer crap that sounds mostly like gibberish. The Japanese press reporting on the 'new' robot, label the robot's creator as "eccentric." I'll bet that's not even the half of it. However the guy is a billionaire and that about says it all. Shit, Elon Musk is a billionaire and Musk is batshit insane. Clinically batshit insane. Speaking of good ole Elon, Musk had one of his whizzy SpaceX rockets explode on a Texas launch pad on Tuesday and I'm thinking that's pretty dang funny. Musk is going to insist that a piece of that exploding rocket hit him in the head and that's why he's been acting so batshit insane. Musk is reportedly making plans to buy in on the Japanese billionaire's "emotional robots." If anyone needs an emotional robot right now, it would be Elon Musk. That sorry fuck is on the hook for 45 billion dollars, or some crazy ass number close to that amount. That's to read United States Dollars. Gosh...don't you just feel almost sorry for whack job billionaires, emotional robots and all. Time for some emotional machine art. Emotional robots...I got your emotional robot hanging...right here!

foggy -

Getty gets the apology on this fine day -

pals Oscar and Meyer -

dry tortillas -

if donny 'the golden fuck' trump were a robot, do you think he'd know? 😱

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