Thursday, February 11, 2021

Isn't It Romantic Or

 Something almost romantic-esque. I'm not certain what might pass for "romantic" these days. I think the entire notion of romance has grown old and worn out a welcome. Back in the day and I'm not sure what 'day' that might have been, flowers and chocolates and formal wear and stuff like that there were the items that passed as romantic. The entire point being that it is almost Valentines Day and these days the guys are supposed to buy their sweetie some cheeky and adult "playwear" which is not about the woman. The cheeky adult wear is for the guys. Something that will make his eyes pop and get the old libido working overtime. Anyway, there's today and tomorrow which just so happens to be a Friday and then Saturday and then...BOOM! Valentines Day and you won't be able to do much cheeky shopping on Sunday. Cause you know, it will be Sunday and the cheeky shopping places will more than likely be closed on account of it being Sunday. Seems a bit puritanical to me but I've already got my Valentines Day shopping completed. I may be a lot of things but I'm not above getting the missus something for the big sweetie day. And yes, my wife is my big sweetie. Kissy kiss kiss baby, I love you. Hmmm, somehow that all seems maudlin under the scrutiny of a Verdana font. Is there a romantic font? I'll more than likely have to google that. Okay and so with all things being considered and Valentines Day looming large on the trending horizon, get busy and indulge the notion of romance. Go ahead on out and give someone you meet a big wet kiss and wish them happy Valentines Day. You see it will be perfectly okie-dokie to do that cause you should be wearing a mask and what with the social distancing rules being in play and stuff like that there, you'll be just fine and maybe not get yourself arrested for being cheeky. It really is not so easy to plant a wet kiss on someone while practicing social distancing and being masked up. No it is not. Okay and now for the machine art. We've already covered the stuff. :]

Obi Orb -

spiritual apparition -

did you know that the real St. Valentine was beaten to death and then beheaded? Gosh is that about romantic or what...

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