Sunday, June 30, 2024

Done And Done

 Today is the end of June. June 30, 2024 and that means first half of 2024 is kaput. Second half 2024 appears to be one for the history books and future lessons on political debauchery. However, Monday marks the day Steve Bannon must report to prison to serve out his four month jail sentence. 120 days. Any number of sentenced felons would love to have only been sentenced to 120 days. Any number of respectable felons could serve out 120 days standing on their heads. Bannon is not exactly serving hard time. Bannon will report to a prison, a low security prison, in Connecticut. I'm not up to speed on what a "low security prison" may in fact turn out to be. Back in the old days, like when I was "housed by the State", low security meant you could be a trustee. That usually meant you could work and not have to spend the day in your cell. Being a trustee wasn't bad but it still meant you were locked up. Television's Baretta always said "don't do the crime if you can't serve the time ...". Or something like that. Anyway, I don't feel bad for Bannon, the guy needs a shave and a haircut which he'll more than likely be able to get in that Connecticut prison. Now for Sunday machined art. Trump will find out how much time he'll have to serve on July 11, 2024.

mephisto -

private -

road -

merry -

specter -

gather -

pilgrim -

games -

the image back up a click or so is not Billy Pilgrim. although, the image might be ... 😎

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lost Their Freaking Minds

 I didn't watch the Biden v Trump CNN shitshow debate. I had no plans to watch the CNN shitshow. Evidently Biden didn't do so well in his first chance to have at America's convicted felon rapist treasonous ex-President Trump. I really don't understand why Biden would have agreed to any CNN shitshow debate. Bottomline is that the internet and Americ's lame stream media went insane. "Biden comes across as a doddering old coot." I can't see how media missed that doddering old coot libel. Biden IS a doddering old coot. So's trump. With trump you've got to throw in 34 count felony convictions and trump's rape conviction and then there's all the January 6, 2021 sedition with murderous violence and Biden didn't touch any of that. So I've read. Look, neither of these fuckers are nowhere close to being presidential timber. That's just me. I've read any number of "pundits" clamoring for Biden to withdraw from the election campaign. Now these limpdick asshats want Biden to withdraw? That is some galling bullshit to say the least. The campaign season will only get uglier and uglier as America crawls closer and closer to the first Tuesday in November 2024. Keep you arms and legs inside the ride at all times kids, this is going to get real and real ugly real quick. Now for Saturday machined artware.

debate old school -

music -

musical -

spooner -

dragon -

shooter -

count -

floral -

democrats have themselves a serious candidate issue. it isn't like they couldn't have seen this mess coming, they saw the mess and ignored it. I don't feel sorry for democrats. I feel sorry for America. "we the people" deserve better from what the two political parties are trying to jam down America's throat. problem is ... we won't get more than this pathetic biden v trump bullshit. 😐

Friday, June 28, 2024

It's Good To Be King

 It's good to be king in your own little town. To always be up and never get down. Thank you Tom Petty for your prescient remarks. Friday's here and the time is right to prepare for the weekend. That's all I've got. I suppose America's knows all about the B v T debate. Bottom line on that shit show is that America loses either way and that's sad. Now for Friday machine artware. 

visionary -

happy -

coils -

fusion -

decision -

shade -

he nuts -

riduloso -

upcoming 4th of July and the holiday demands that Americans blow shit up. Americans have always enjoyed blowing shit up. however and remember, count your fingers after finishing blowing shit up. 😎

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Day Of Days

 Today is the big day in American political farce. Thursday June 27, 2024 and the whiz bang Biden v Trump debate is (maybe) Thursday evening live from Atlanta, Georgia. America's President at present will debate America's ex-President and 34 count felony convicted rapist from CNN studios in Atlanta and this shitshow should be one for the ages. IF the debate happens will be a surprise and if the debate actually runs its full allotted time slot, well, surprise surprise. I suppose America will be able to read the scorecard on Friday morning. I'll not be watching. Nope. I don't care. Neither candidate is deserving of America's support or election to the Office of President of these United States of America. That failure to nominate qualified candidates speaks volumes about the actual state of our Union. Sadly and pathetically so. Now we'll jump over to Thursday machined artware.

marlboro -

zotter -

tangle -

carpet -

placebo -

clownette -

life edge -

dune -

back in the day and I mean way back in the day, a phrase made the rounds of plausibility and popularity that went ... "it's better to burn out than fade away" ... utter nonsense and mostly stupid. I can say that now having aged way past the stupid shit of dope fueled ignorance. 😐

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Public Health Crisis

 These United States of America are in a "public health crisis." I can imagine that most Americans are clueless as to what a "public health crisis" might be. Any number of Americans are in possession of the singular cause of this crisis. Guns you see are and have been for any number of years, the cause of America's "public health crisis." This "public health crisis" has been declared so by none other than THE U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and he's being completely serious. Here is a photag of Surgeon General Vivek Murthy -

Americans have been shooting to kill one another for years and evidently now gun murder is a "crisis." I'm fairly certain that the victims of gun violence are thrilled that Murthy has declared a "crisis." I'm absolutely NOT certain what the victims of gun violence may actually think. I suppose that a declared "crisis" is better late than never. I'm not so sure what is expected to happen next. What with the Supremes declaring bump stocks "constitutional", this declared crisis will simply roll merrily along. Good morning America ... better stock up on body bags. Now for Wednesday machined art. Someone please cue the camel ...

monumental -

child -

stand -

salon -

disintegrate -

rectory -

mayhem -

brunt -

so America is faced with another "crisis" and we can add this "crisis" to the last "crisis" we had to endure and what we have here is "crisis overload." American media will have to give credit to where credit is due. thanks muchly ... 😐

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump Cancels ... America Is Surprised?

 The Biden v Trump presidential debate scheduled for this coming Thursday evening is not going to happen. None other than convicted Trump advisor, one Steve Bannon, is "advising Trump to cancel" and of course we all know that Trump does whatever Bannon suggests Trump should do. First off Bannon needs a shave and a haircut. What a slob. However with his upcoming stint in the slammer, well, personal grooming is the least of Bannon's concerns. There was never any credibility to Trump's agreeing to the debate. What a farce. So it goes. Now for Tuesday machined artware and kudos to the possible NHL world champion Edmonton Oilers. I hope so anyway. Like all hopes and dreams ... the Oilers lost ... to Florida ... utterly humiliating.

drift -

boom bx -

candid -

tacky -

erupt -

kraka -

steams -

mechan -

I've been following American presidential politics for a very long time. at least since my days as a senior in high school. LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and trump. trump being the saddest excuse for a president America has EVER had the misfortune to suffer. now it's down to Biden v Trump. pathetic and disgraceful. a 34 count and counting convicted rapist and felon versus a material supporter of Israeli war crimes and genocidal crimes against Palestinian humanity. about all anyone can do is spit in disgust. 😐

Monday, June 24, 2024

Terror On The 18th

 Climate activist/protesters created a stir at a PGA tournament in Connecticut. The Travelers Championship Tournament underway in Cromwell, Connecticut and at the last hole, the 18th hole, play was interrupted by climate activist protests that came running out of a very crowded final hole and charged the 18th green and were using spray paint (that was what was reported) to somehow spray paint the green. The protesters used red and white paint. Anyway the entire episode was being televised live on CBS television and American got to see the climate activist/protesters who were wearing white tee shirts that read, in black block lettering, 'NO GOLF ON A DEAD PLANET'. The protesters did have a point. The protest did stir up rightwing media bozos, people watching the tournament at home, and PGA officials that figured they would never have to worry about PGA events being interrupted by "climate activist/protester terrorists." Shocking no doubt. The entire episode could have been way worse had those protesters been packing AR-15's with bump stocks that are now "officially legal" and wouldn't that have been a bloody mess. On an unrelated note, for people wanting to see actual bloodshed all they need do is follow the antics of the IDF slaughtering Palestinian people in Gaza. There was even a mass terrorist attack in Dagestan where a synagogue, an Orthodox Church, and a police station were attacked by "unnamed terrorists." Dagestan is in Russia. The synagogue was burned to the ground, a number of Dagestani police officers were killed, an orthodox priest was killed, and a number of the attacking terrorists were also killed. Dang if'n Sunday wasn't about a blood-shedding celebration of abject horror. To think protesters upset an American golf tournament ... that's almost blasphemy. Now for Monday machined artware. Trump has not made any statements at the time of my keyboarding this here screed.

world -

overture -

bohemian -

magick -

mastery -

bigenuf -

plastiq -

ansel -

the climate activist/protesters showed some real spunk charging the 18th and final hole during the broadcast of the PGA golf. they did get gang tackled in a hurry by Connecticut cops and the activist/protesters will have got the screaming shit kicked out of them by those Connecticut cops. the activist/protesters did make for some  entertaining tv. 😏