Have you ever given consideration to how utterly and mind numbingly stupid state legislatures can be? Given the current passage of insipid state laws and signed into same by politically suck ass state governors, well, there's not much hope to be found on the old political horizon. Alabama does serious damage to IVF clinics and that little piece of stupid will certainly end up before the SUPREME COURT. Trend setters no doubt. Then there's the State of Florida. The Florida State Legislature pounds out ignorant and discriminating bullshit on a regular basis and it astounds me that people ACTUALLY want to move to Florida. Toss Iowa, Nebraska, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Dakota's North and South, and any number of confederate leaning weinies to the mix and there you go. Cracker-ass Uh-merica on full display for the world to watch and marvel at. It really isn't enjoyable to watch a seemingly intelligent human wandering around dragging their knuckles on the ground and drooling all to be damned. Now for Wednesday machine art and please get someone to cue the camel.
alone -
losting -
see -
night -
I-405 -
dorothy -
so as Uh-merica merrily rolls along into "election cycle 2024" all this crap shall only propagate itself exponentially and be sure to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. 😐
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