Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Ideas Of March

 Yes my friends we are closing out February and we're edging ever so slowly to the month of March. First up ... daylight savings time is at hand so, suck it up and get ready for the two weeks it will take to readjust one's body clock. Then comes the 'Ideas of March'. Oh sorry ... that would be the 'Ides of March' ... whatever. Basketball shall run ad infinitum counting down the shot clock until Merchandise Madness. Selling those collegiate basketball "stars" is big money and the entire reason that colleges and universities have basketball teams. I would image that the basketball merchandising generates as much cash as would collegiate football. America is about money and has been ever since pre-1776 and the wholly marketable Declaration of Co-Dependence that spawns PROFIT. That's what's really "wonderful" about America. Whatever. Now I'll cough up the Sunday machine art and that chokehold is absolutely free of charge. Well should anyone find it in their financial resources available docket, feel free to send along some cash. 10's, 20's, and even Ben Franklins are gratefully acceptable. 

has bin -

uriah -

shot -

cosmo -

bug balloon -

candidate -

storm -

moyle -

did you know that Las Vegas is the ambulance chaser capitol of the world? well it certainly is. you can call one today and chances are good that ambulance chaser will respond to you. 😏

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