Thursday, January 18, 2024

I Almost Killed It

 I almost killed the old desktop on Wednesday afternoon. Scared the bejeepers out of me. Lost some files, lost some artwork I had been working on, and pissed me off no end. Gaddanged hi-fangled techno stuff anyway. You see I am one of those becoming more rare daily techno-Neanderthals that one may or may not have heard about. Well allow me to inform our postmodern early twenty first century world that there are some of us still alive, sentient, mobile to a certain extent, and clueless as to how all this techy shit works. You see once more, back in the day and I do mean a way back in the day, television had just come on scene. There was no color television and telephones were party lines that connected four or maybe six households together on one line. No one and I do mean NO ONE, had a "private phone" and cellphones weren't even a dream to be fulfilled. No computers, no home gyms, none of that and social norms seemed to get along fairly fine. So I could suppose that I am merely a victim of our times and plead the 5th for sake of further need for 'splanations'. I did manage to recover some of what I'd lost however, there are still some of my really important files out there in the "cloud" some goddamn where and possibly, someday, I may or may not be able to recover what is now lost. No I will not now nor FUCKING EVER am I going to get a cellphone. Evidently people do not bother asking about how they look with their faces glued to their "devices" and they possibly don't care that they look incredibly retarded. Now for some recovered Thursday machine art.

collage -

sunny -

strange -

elemental -

fish -

behold -

there was another time I crashed the computer and I called those Best Buy Geek Squad kids. they had to send a guy up from Vegas and the Geek Squad kid never showed up. evidently the kid had got lost somewhere out in the Mojave and as I understand things from Best Buy, the kid has never been found. dang that is some cold gravy there boy. 😏

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