Monday, October 2, 2023

Monday Look Out

 It's the first Monday in October so beware and tread lightly. The Supremes are back in session. The Supreme Court of the United States of America holds session from the first Monday in October until the last working day in the month of June. I do not know why the Court's sessions are scheduled that way. Hmmm...I should probably google that and see what is up...with that. Hang on for a minute or so ... okay and so, the Supremes have been holding their sessions from October 1 to June the last working day since early in the nineteenth century. That would be the 1800's. So the Supremes like "tradition" as long as that "tradition" suits their collective whim. However, unlike settled case law and assorted frivolous rulings, the Supreme shall do unto America according to their whims and the same applies to settled case law and stuff like that there. As for our current incarnation of Supreme beings, it seems more than apparent that the fuckers really like corruption, graft, large amounts of United States cash and that appears mostly from bribes, free vacations, and friends in high places with deep I mean really deep pockets. I'm of the opinion that at least four of the Supremes should be impeached. Yeah like our Congress, the House and the Senate, would actually do any meaningful work. Now for our Monday machine art portion of the program. 

the look -

rainy day dream away -

terror -

vanity -

a girl and her swans -

animal -

the above image 'animal' is a work by Ralph Steadman. off the cover of the 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell. I own the book but Mr. Steadman gets credit whenever I use one of his images. 😐

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