Saturday, October 14, 2023

From The Shores Of Gaza City

From Gaza anywhere and the West Bank specifically, come the tales of Israeli atrocity. But of course no one is supposed to talk about that. Or mention any word contrary to the acceptable pro-Israel blah blah bullshit. Israel would NEVER commit war crimes or crimes against Palestinian humanity. Nope. Never. Ever. Sure sure. Right. Okey - - dokie. Did you see the photo of the Israeli baby that had been shot to shit by those dang pesky Hamas bad guys??? Why, such horror the world has never witnessed before. Ever. Did you see the devastation in Gaza City? Entire blocks and blocks of buildings that are now tombstone markers for dead Palestinian men, women, and children. Infant baby childrens too. However be sure to discount those images, as they hardly compare to the killings, atrocities, and nefarious acts of icky shit committed by...go ahead and guess...Hamas!?! President Joe insists that all America stands firmly behind the state of Israel as Israel ravages Gaza, the West Bank, and of course that eternal city of peace that is today called Jerusalem. President Joe might have asked me if he had my permission to categorically insist that 'all Americans' stand behind the state of Israel. He didn't and he doesn't have my permission. Unless of course President Joe is planning to reel in the bloodthirsty Israelis and their unrelenting ethnic cleansing of Palestinian humanity. President Joe has lost my support and President Joe can suck it! Now for Saturday machine art.

again -

boat -

branded -

venus -

top hat -

meaning -

I'm certain that President Joe couldn't give a shit less about my opinion. or support. or goddamn whatever. America truly loves a good one-sided slaughter of them gad danged mooselims people. 😐

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