I think I understand the process for choosing the next Speaker of the House. The entire House and that's to include both the Dems and the Crazies, vote on whomever the majority Party puts up as candidate. So far the only announced Crazy candidates are a pedophile, a member of the KKK, one asshole name of Gaetz, and some really stark raving insane Crazy that I'm not familiar with and rightly so. This farce could go on for some time into a bleak and foreboding future. Dang if'n we ain't about having us some fun ... oh yeah. How about some Thursday machine art. Mostly non political. I think...
abs track -
sur real -
dirge -
facade -
party -
clan -
every so often I like to go back and rework an image I've used prior. you'll have to guess which image that is ... 😏
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