Wednesday, October 11, 2023

What Is Gaza?!?

 National Public Radio has offered a rather one-sided article titled, "What Is The Gaza Strip." The article is not actually very credible nor should the article be considered as fair and/or balanced. No one should be surprised at the jaded aspect of an article about the Gaza Strip, Palestinians, Hamas, or Hizbollah. NPR like the entire spectrum of American media is pro-Israel. Pro-Israel is the fall back stance for any articles written about Palestinians and the collective punishment they have to endure at the vicious hands of Israelis. (I used to live along the Gaza Strip Utah/Nevada and the metaphor is almost if not eerily succinct to the present crisis being endured by Palestinians.) THE Gaza Strip is a harsh strip of beach at the very southern end of Israel. The nation. The Gaza Strip is where Palestinians have been herded by Israel so the Israelis could turn formerly Palestinian lands into a "land of milk, manna, and honey. Israelis are NOT inclined to return any Palestinian lands stolen by Israel at the modern creation of the state of Israel nor will the Israelis return ANY lands stolen during their "Six Day War of 1967." That was when the Palestinians were to begin their internment in the Warsaw style ghetto created by Israel. One ghetto is the Gaza Strip. The other ghetto is the West Bank. Both ghettos are viciously policed by Israel and the Palestinian internment is brutal and collective punishment rained on Palestinians by Israel. BUT as Palestinian issues are NEVER reported fairly or accurately by western media and especially so by American media concerns. So it goes...

Now for Wednesday machine art -

three stages -

muerte two -

swim -

eagle -

easel -

spray -

taking a 'support for Palestine position' is a risky stance and especially so here in our homeland. I know first hand as I've been tagged as an anti-Semite by any number of pro-Israel talking heads. I really don't care. fair is not always an easy position to stand on. 😐

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