Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Incredible Human Shrinking Brain

 A shocking new discovery made public on the web page 'Psypost.org' and authored by J. M. Stibel, finally reveals the fact that humans are evolutionarily stupid due to a shrinking human brain. The guy can state that because he's studied the human cranium for quite some time and is an authoritative voice for the hard fact that humans just aren't up to speed. Intelligence wise. Further proof is found by studying Republicans in general and girlies such as Majorie Taylor-Greene and the silly twat from Colorado and that would be Lauren Boebert. Also, current Speaker-Of-The-House McCarthy, the ridiculously insipid Gaetz of Florida, and the staggeringly dimwitted Gomert of Texas are also included as case in point. It has been scientifically proven that generally, men are significantly more stupid than women and I'm fairly certain that fact was established some years back. The scientifically hard yet truthful article was published in the scientific publication named aptly, 'Brain, Behavior, and Evolution'. Available now at your local brainiac booksellers and at any British library, You will need a British library card to grab a hold of the B, B, & E. Okay now that we're all up to speed on the stupid issue, we shall mosey over to the Tuesday machine art section of today's posting. Y'alls a dang wonderful audience. Yes indeedy.

farm -

aftermath -

oddity (not MTG) -

garden -

skin -

speaking of stupid and MTG, the silly-assed woman stated on Monday that she's fairly convinced that her television is spying on her. someone should hold an intervention for the retard cow or at the very least call up the nice guys wearing those impressive white coats and that carry really large nets. MTG is in serious need of a heavily sedated time-out in a padded cell. 😏

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