Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Humpty Dump Trump

 Random blah blah blah for a Wednesday. In an almost shocking decision by the SCROTUMS (supreme court), the bench ruled that states do NOT have the right to interfere in federal elections. Or state elections for that matter. Surprise surprise surprise. In a shocking twist of epic failure, the Jeopardy program made a serious error in ruling against an answer of "Titan orbits Saturn." Amy Farrah Bialek insisted that Titan orbits Neptune. Wrong wrong so very damn wrong. Titan orbits Saturn and the Jeopardy team should have known that as should have Bialek. Alex Trebek would have given Bialek and the Jeopardy panel of judges a severe thumbs down for such a glaring error. To say that I was shocked is a bit of an understatement. I fired off a serious angry email to the Jeopardy folks. Damn sorry state of Jeopardy affairs no doubt. Now for Wednesday machine art. Titan orbits Saturn goddamn it!

mr. turnip -

wonder -

kafka-esque -

mythos -

see u -

I have to wonder at times how in hell republicans can give trump money, support, cover, and respect. it does seem that overall general intelligence has come up sorely lacking. 😖

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