Biden goes to Ukraine. Oh yes, the President of these United States of America walked shoulder to shoulder with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and surprised just about everyone concerned. President Joe heading to Ukraine, an active and hostile war zone, must have given the Secret Service guys nightmarish fits. You see the Secret Service guards America's presidents and they've never had to escort an American president to an active battle ground. Not any battle ground that wasn't American held territory. Anyway, President Joe went and of course his trip was classified top secret and kept that way until Monday when the bulk of Western Civilization went apeshit over the photos of President Joe with President Volodymyr walking together in Kiev. Oh my bad...Kiev is actually spelled Kyiv or to really get the name correct, well, in the Ukrainian language it's near impossible to spell or pronounce. Yeah and good luck with that. Ballsy move President Joe, one dang ballsy move. Bravo! Now for Tuesday machine art to honor an American President that is as good as his word.
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I wonder if Mrs. President Joe knew about the trip to Ukraine? maybe and/or maybe whatever... 😯
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