Sunday, February 5, 2023

Pop Goes That Balloon

 President Joe gave the U.S. military the go ahead to shoot down that Chinese balloon. The balloon had floated across the entire continental United States and after the balloon cleared populated South Carolina coastline, well, send in the missiles. Ka-blammy! Balloon no more. The military is carrying out recovery operations to pick up the pieces of one now blown to shreds Chinese balloon. The Chinese got the idea for floating a balloon over the U.S. from World War II Japanese balloon missions that were in the process of dropping bombs on Americans living in and around Seattle, Washington. Oh that is true so very true. Now for that Pro Bowl Sunday machine art.

queen but not Beyonce -

atlas gots an aching back not a shrug -

few friends -

cloud city -

louie -

disaster cleanup continues and I can almost see a finish line. almost... 😐

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