Monday, January 31, 2022

Over Is Over

 January 2022 is over. Good riddance. I don't care much for January. My birthday is in January. Doesn't matter. Freaking dang cold and now we get smog every damn day. Remember how Los Angeles looked back in the late 60's and early 70's? Well, you move that mess north and a snidge east and there you go. The Salt Lake Valley early twentieth century. You can quite literally cut the air with a knife. I suppose you'd probably be able to eat a slice of the smog but you'd need catsup and lots of salt. Great Salt Lake salt. That's where Morton's salt comes from. If you drive west from Salt Lake City about thirty miles you can see the Morton Salt factory. Yup, right there for all a world to see. The salt factory isn't really all to scenic but there it is. So the wondrously lame 'stupid bowl' is set and there'll be all new and really pricey commercials to watch if you happen to be horribly bored and you're trapped inside your home. If you happen to be lucky enough to have a home. Homeless folk don't get to watch the 'stupid bowl'. The homeless folk aren't missing much. Of course if the homeless folk were to gather around one of those ever so infamous sports bars, they just might be able to glean some handouts and maybe the halftime score. The homeless folk don't bother with a halftime show as the homeless folk have better things to do than watch inane bullshit on a television. A sports bar television. Plastered all around the halls of any sports bar in America. It's any sports bars' big day. So now that I've covered all the big breaking news, we'll move it on over to the machine art segment of today's installment of blah blah blah.

hombres -

stormy weather -

did you know that this year's 'stupid bowl' won't have Tommy 'terrific' Brady playing for either team? every once in a while we can catch a break and enjoy life for a moment or not. 😃

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Is He Is Or Is He Isn't

 Football's Tommy 'terrific' Brady is retiring. Or he isn't retiring. Or he's seems to be having trouble making that life changing decision. Or he isn't. Reports in the media are confusing at best. Tommy 'terrific's' daddy-o insists that Mr. 'Terrific' isn't retiring. But then ESPN insists that the wonder boy IS retiring. Unofficially, ESPN is the "official" voice of the NFL. Just ask Boomer Berman. Berman likes to refer to hisself as "the swami." So why all of a sudden is there all manner of interest in what Mr. 'Terrific' might be gonna do? Well...because. Because the NFL likes to hype up football games and stir reverence for the NFL gods of Sunday. Did you know that you can buy just about all if not parts of NFL god-dom? Well you most certainly can. If you've a mind to pay for such a squander. The NFL crap does not come cheap. No it does not. However, there's football "conference championship" games on the television today and so it goes. So there in lies the connection between Tommy 'terrific' Brady and football games on a Sunday. Conference championship games mind you. So there would be nail biting excitement for today's gladiator games and with any luck at all, there will be blood spilled all over the astro-turf on this very day. I wonder if Mr. 'Terrific' will somehow resurrect hisself and run for political office? Yeah like there's any doubt about that. So and in honor of another football extravaganza on this here Sunday...machine art is next. Oh yes and as an afterthought, fuck Tommy 'terrific' Brady. The guy is an asshole. My opinion only.

go west young man, there's not so much snow -

subversive -

did you know that next Wednesday is Groundhog Day? Over and over and over... 😁

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Kick The Can

War with Russia has been put on hold...for two weeks. I suppose any reprieve is a good reprieve. However brief that reprieve might be. The U.S. military insists that a war with Russia would be "horrific." Gosh really? The U.S. military always has a good bead on all things war related. Well except when it came to Vietnam. Probably the Korean conflict too. Did you know that 'technically' the U.S. is still at war with North Korea? That is most certainly true. The Ukrainian government spoke up and asked the West to stop provoking the Russians. Now why would the Ukrainian government do that? Other than the glaringly obvious fact that any war with Russia would be fought for the most part in the Ukraine. So much for those Ukraine girls. Insert about Ukraine girls is courtesy of the Beatles. Anyway, we can all breathe a little easier for the next two weeks. The two weeks reprieve is so "diplomats can find a solution to the crisis." Sure they will. Diplomats always find a way. Or not. Doesn't really matter though, war with Russia over Ukraine is already on the conflict schedule and those annoying military guys don't like having their schedules mucked up. No they do not. War always finds a way. Bye bye Ukraine. Now for some machine art to cheer everyone up. Or not.

pony -

face to face -

remember shabbat to keep it something or other. 😏

Friday, January 28, 2022

A Good Friday

 Today is 'good' on account of this is the last Friday in January. January is finishing off with a damnably frigid blast of winter. Brrr! America's east coast is due to get slammed with a 'nor'easter'. Whatever in hell that's supposed to mean. Out here and behind the Zion Curtain it will be just another day with the illusion of sunshine mixed with an unhealthy dose of smog. The local weather mavens insist that the inversion is simply haze. That is of course abject bullshit. Smog fills our valley and washes back and forth like thick soup in a shallow bowl. Stinks too. There is some hope though, February is just a few days away and we'll have us a 'groundhog day' and won't that be special. Well of course it will. Groundhog Day is always special. Unless of course it snows or blizzards or, hmmm ... there might not be much difference between a snowstorm and a blizzard. Doesn't really matter much. Wherever you may happen to reside, the weather will do what the weather does and so it goes. Now we'll move us on over to some machine art. Machine art always brightens a winter day. Well I think so anyway. Here comes a machine art trifecta for the last Friday of the month.

wraith -

to the point -

vintage -

President Biden is headed to Pittsburgh on this here Friday. The President is gonna congratulate Ben Roethlisberger who's retiring from NFL football. The President will inform Ben that he made the right call. Get it? That's a football joke. Not a good joke but, a football joke. 😎

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Ifs Ands Buts 'n' Nuts

 Well January is just about finito. February is next and if you happen to follow Chinese astrology, on the next new moon we'll have us the 'year of the tiger'. Not the 'eye of the tiger' but the 'year of the tiger'. Alrighty then. I'm not certain as to what the 'year of the tiger' might mean. Speculation would indicate that the 'year of the tiger' will bring on the damnable advent of war. War children, is just a shot away. There's the Ukraine crap-o-la and the Middle East could blow at the drop of a hat. Pakistan versus India. India versus China. North Korea versus the entire freaking Planet. Venezuela is pissed at the U.S. and Brazil. Argentina is pissed at the British. Argentina versus England would be one of those annoying long distance conflicts fought mostly with proxies. Well and Boris Johnson could use a pending war with Argentina as a pretext to skip out on having to resign as Prime Minister. Johnson got his ass caught lying up a streak. Sons of the Confederate South want to secede from the American Union...again. Good luck to the crackers. Buffalo, New York is planning war on Kansas City, Missouri on account of the Kansas City Chiefs whooped the Buffalo Bills and the Buffaloans are damn tired of losing at football. I have to wonder if the Bills haven't thought about moving away from Buffalo to finally break the losing curse. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah the Bills are losers! However the Bills did manage to beat the New England Patriots so there is that. American's not just a soap opera. Not anymore. So with world war brewing and the kettle almost at a boil, all you young Americans boys don't forget to register for the draft. You are simply going to love the military draft. Back in the day I was drafted. Ahhh, those were the days my friend. Tips on how to avoid the draft can be yours IF the price is right. I think America's girls should have to register for the draft. After all these are the days of "inclusion" for everyone. Aren't they? And on a positive note, the transvestite that was winning large on Jeopardy got its ass beaten. Finally. I had to quit watching Jeopardy. I could not watch a transvestite pretending to be a woman. Insensitive? Oh hell yes. Its name was Schneider something or other but wearing a dress and a string of pearls does NOT make it a woman. Something Schneider? Doesn't matter as...its gone. It won't be back until Jeopardy holds a 'championship' match. Hey Demi Lovato? Suck it!!! Now for some machine art and less bitching about social shit I have no control over. That would include pending war.

poised -

aware -

I wonder if Vegas is taking bets on the eventuality of a war and how quickly a war might turn nuclear. 😵

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Damned Annoying

 So I'd just crawled out of bed on this fine morning when the phone rang. Barely 07:00 hours for hell sakes. Now I'm not exactly a pleasant soul first thing in the morn. Brain fog and my eyes won't focus. Anyway I answered ringing phone and some tele-dumb ass barely understandable woman starts off with a good morning prattle. The woman can't be made to speak clearly and gad dang it if that isn't about annoying as hell. Well I rudely ask the woman what she wants and I want to know what the fuck she thinks she's doing calling at 07:00 hours on a humpday first thing in the freaking morning. Click! Conversation is ended. Simple as that. She hung up which by all accounts was a good thing. She really didn't want to hear what would come next. Crude yes. Vulgar yes. Socially unacceptable yes. I don't fucking care. If some asshole is stupid enough to call the house at 07:00 hours on ANY morning, well, they'll get what they get. Plain and simple as that. Pissed me off. Here's some machine art as I can sense that another sub psychotic rage is a brewing. I really detest the tele-callers and it doesn't matter what time of day it is.

homeless -

school girl oh yeah -

all tele-callers should burn in telemarketer hell. 👺

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Planet Of The Slobs

 "If we can make a space station fly, we can save the Planet." Thus spake astronaut Thomas Pesquet. The guy has been to space so, he can say that. Doesn't make his statement true, but he can speculate. Evidently our Planet still looks almost like it used to look. At least from space. I applaud Mr. Pesquet's optimism. I don't share his optimism but his statement holds a modicum of hope. On the ground however is a completely different narrative. Humanity lives on a Planet thoroughly trashed Plastic floats in huge rafts across our oceans. Plastic drifts on the winds. Discarded cans are ubiquitous. Paper blows around and those annoying plastic bags you get at the store to put your food stuffs in lay around on the ground blowing hither and yon for virtually ever. Ever would be a dang long time. So is all the garbage humanity has managed to discard without a thought. So like a drunken homeless junkie, humanity rolls about in filth and hasn't a second thought about living in squalor. Ain't we about a pretty great bunch? Probably not. Our Earth's resources are used up. The water that remains potable is disappearing fast. Our climate is changed and not for the better. Wildfires, deforestation, cutting down the rainforests, urban AND suburban sprawl, and so humanity plunges headlong into extinction. Which would of course be for the best. For the Planet. Not so much for we humans. Welcome to the real world of karma. So on that cheery note we'll plunge headlong into some machine art. While there might be some room to move. Or maybe something to appreciate. Or not. Doesn't really matter. Not anymore.

dolls -

horror -

President Biden got pissy with one of the idiot Fox reporters yesterday at the White House. Media concerns went crazy with that news. I applaud President Biden. It is of course about damn time. 😂

Monday, January 24, 2022

Back Up And

 Back up and running. Got the new computer and it's a thing of beauty. Oh yeah. Works and everything like that. However if you get a new computer on a Friday and find it necessary to obtain some technical support, good luck with that. Ain't not none to be a found anywhere and not for love nor bitcoin. Annoying to be quite certain. Anyway, time for some catch up. Here's todays machine art.

ruffled feathers -

nonbinary portrait -

okay and so we are off and running once again. 😃

Friday, January 21, 2022

Here's More

 Yes here is more machine art and yup, there's more to come. I'm cleaning out files and stuff in anticipation of a new Mac. Oh hurry hurry hurry. A brammy new and really spiffy iMac is on its way. Apple even said so. Well after we sent off the money. So as it turns out, everything is about the money.

bird abstract -

little shed a way over there -

eagle -

with any luck and some help from Apple technical Monday a new iMac desktop will be up and running. hopefully. 😶

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cleaning House

 Time for some clean up on aisle 5. So here's a machine art fire sale.

groucho -

thanks to NOAA -

industrial sterile -

even more to come. 😁

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

And There Was

 There was a bright light and the bomb in the baby carriage was wired to the radio. Blaring sounds of Bieber and the sudden explosion...

Apologies to Paul Simon.

Yes these are the days of miracles and wonders. Pandemics turned to endemics and all of a sudden there's horror everywhere. And to think that no one seems to bother with a non gender bias and to hell with Demi Lovato who thinks she's a he's or a helluva lot better. Better than what. Better than you so there.

Yes these are the days of miracles and wonder and what we all wonder should we have for a dinner. A beggars banquet for fools. Fools and the offspring of fools. Gunshots and practical shots and does anyone really care. Anymore about anything at all or something close to that. Imagine that. Here a comes the machine art. 

pond 2.0 -

tokens as cultural approximation- 

poles as in totem poles but that could be construed as cultural appropriation. we can't be a having that now can we. oh bullshit and nothing but the bullshit so there. 😎

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Today Is The Day

 Yes my friends, today is the day that Planet Earth will get smashed by the Empire State Building Asteroid. Ain't not about a dang thing anyone can do about that. Not even Bruce Willis. You know like in that asteroid movie where Willis sacrifices hisself for Mother Earth? Hmmm, maybe we could convince Willis to simply sacrifice hisself on general principles. After all, Willis can see dead people. Or was it the kid that could see dead people and told Willis all about it. Doesn't really matter. Not at this point in space/time history. The entire Planet is doomed as doomed can be. I must say... So and seeing as how we the people of Planet Earth haven't much time left, go out and enjoy yourself one last time. Have a fling. Smooch your boss. I mean it isn't like you'd have to worry about any harassment charges. Shoot a politician. Shoot trump. Pee on the sidewalk in front of your house. Pee on the sidewalk in front of where you work. Pee in the hall at work. Pee on your boss. What's the boss gonna you? Too late! Say some kind things about your neighbor. Say some unkind things about your neighbor's ugly wife. Don't say anything at all. No one will care. There'll be no one left here real soon. At this point, there's not much point to just about anything. There'll be no one left to care. And so just like the dinosaurs, the human critters will be blasted into extinction. C'est la vie. 

DISCLAIMER- The preceding was all bullshit and nothing but the bullshit. However, you just never know. The door is left open for a maybe. Now we'll move on to today's machine art. The machine art is certainly not bullshit. Well, I don't think so anyway.

critter tracks -

cottonwood tree in cottonwood canyon -

I may have posted the tree on a previous edition. but I like the way the tree photo turned out and here it is again mostly untouched. 💪

Monday, January 17, 2022

Nobody Was Looking

 While no one was watching someone stole the Empire State Building from New York City, launched the building into space and then, turned the old Empire into an asteroid. Oh yeah, it's true it's really true and you can find details of the entire sordid affair over on CBSNews' webpage. Yup. does such a dastardly deed get pulled off in these our postmodern times? The people that actually know all the facts surrounding this scandal aren't talking. Go figure. I mean you'd think that someone, anyone, might have noticed the Empire State Building gone a missing. You'd think so anyway. Well they didn't and so when the Empire State Building now turned into an asteroid smashes back into Planet Earth, I'd bet someone will notice then. Yup. Truth of the matter is...those darned Illuminati sons-a-bitches are behind this latest plot to unsettle our more than a might schizophrenic world AND the bastards have targeted Miami Beach, Florida as ground zero for the Building/asteroid smash. So why Miami Beach, Florida you may care to inquire...simple answer would be...wait for it...because. That's it, because. Damn and don't you just hate it when that happens. I know I do. Well and anyway, now it's time for machine art and don't let anyone know you've been warned.

totem -

red -

oh yeah and the Building/asteroid smashy thing will happen on Super Bowl Sunday. makes sense to me. dang Super Bowl is a complete waste of time. 😝

Sunday, January 16, 2022

But Not For Long

 Well my keyboard seems to be working...for now. Time just might tell. However, I'm fed up and really annoyed that the dang thing can't be a trusted so, a new and better keyboard is on its way. Yippee! Won't take but about a month to get all the kinks worked out of a new computer and I could suppose there's something to look forward to. Oh yes and by the way, this weekend is 'SUPER WILDCARD WEEKEND!' Yeah whatever. The NFL is priming the viewing public for the really really big show coming up sometime in February. The 'super duper bowl #56' or 57 or fifty however many godawful extravaganzos are up for general consumption. I mean besides beer. Doesn't NASCAR get rolling in February? Another mostly boring Amerikan adventure. Oh silly looking race cars go round and round and round and round... aren't there any noise ordinances in the racing locales that prohibit the roar of car engines? Probably not. NASCAR would have obtained the necessary code variances that allow for the roar of race cars going round and round and round and... I think the only reason that people attend the NASCAR crap is to be on hand for race car pile ups with much carnage. Oh get it? I made a pun. Carnage? Car and nage put together to make up one NASCAR necessary hookup of words. I think that's awfully nice of NASCAR to do that. NASCAR is only thinking of you. And money. But mostly you. Wait, money? Yeah probably that last thing. You know, money. So now that January is a snidge more than half over let us indulge in some machine art. That's the reason we are all gathered here today. Just be grateful we're not in Texas. Did you know that Texas is a 'shoot to kill' state? Oh yeah.

tropical -

a man and a dog -

did you know that dog spelled backwards is god. well it is. try it and see for yourself. 😉

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Maybe Or Maybe Not

 It's...a...NOT!!! is going to work? Seems to be working for now. My keyboard. I couldn't find a cyber-priest or a Catholic priest for that matter that would perform an exorcism on the old keyboard. Dang it, you'd of thought I was asking for something earth shattering. Just a simple exorcism, what's the big deal? Those Catholics are a picky bunch. Sheesh. Anyway and for now we seem to be back in the old keyboarding business. I don't want to press my luck too far so it's on to the machine art.

cellist -

gothist -

gosh...I'm on a roll this fine morning. 👌

Friday, January 14, 2022


Damn keyboard isn't working right...AGAIN AGAIN!!! Damn thing, I need to find a cyber-priest. Keyboard is plagued by techno-demons. The power of technology compels you! Machine art is next...maybe.

internment camp -

bones -

curse you Steve Jobs! 😠

Thursday, January 13, 2022


 So the asteroid most recently reported in media accounts isn't just your everyday same old is same old asteroid. Nope. The recently reported on Earth mashie is "POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS!!!" So there you go. Sometime in the very near future, like next week if reporting is accurate, Planet Earth our very only home in the entire galaxy is 'potentially' at risk of a sudden demise. Meaning that there is a distinct possibility we as in the whole of Mother Earth, will be scattered if not shattered to parts of our solar system previously unknown. Well...doesn't that just suck. My birthday just so happens to be next week and I really didn't want an asteroid crashing my birthday. Not only my birthday but just about anyone else that might share the same day are in for a birthday surprise we could just about for a certainty do without. I mean really. So what the hell asteroid tracking guys, are we on a very short list to get obliterated? Well? The silence coming from the asteroid tracking guys is almost spooky. Or 'potentially' spooky, whatever. I'm really not ready to find my neighborhood hurtling off into the galaxy smashed to teeny tiny pieces from some godawful asteroid collision. No I am not. Those twitchy klanvangelical christians might want to see an apocalypso event but most normal people would not. It is already a given that klanvangelical christians are straight up fucking insane. Potentially dangerous to be quite certain. But should our Planet get a sock on the jaw by an asteroid, ain't not much can be done about that. Damn, don't you just hate it when shit like that happens? Machine art is next.

back to the island -

angel in efx -

so...thinking about all the bullshit Mother Earth must put up with these days, pandemics, war, rumors of war, political histrionics, and Boris Johnson, getting a smack by an asteroid might not be such a bad thing. in theory anyway. 💥

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

In Other News

North Korea launched a "hypersonic" missile the other day. Yesterday? The day doesn't really matter. What matters is the missing headline from the report. What's missing from the report about North Korea launching a "hypersonic" missile is the glaring details that have come up missing. So North Korea launches a missile and the U.S. clamped a hold on flights originating along the West Coast. What the hell kids. There's some shit going on that the media outlets seem a mite reticent to inform the American public at large. So how, you might ask, did the North Koreans develop a "hypersonic" missile? The for reals and actual details are not to be found. Anywhere except in some D.O.D. report that's headed to the White House for some 'in depth' analysis. Damn I just hate that. I live pretty dang close to the West Coast and if'n there's some shit brewing with the North Koreans, well, I wanna know about it before that shit gets out of hand. I mean really. In other news, there's another really REALLY big asteroid that's going to skate past our lovely blue Planet. Planet Earth will not get hit. Not this time. Or the next time. a reasonable amount of time it's going to happen. Hopefully and long after I've kicked off this mortal coil. Yeah that might seem selfish. I really don't care how that might sound or seem. If the Planet is going to get a smack in the old outer shell, I want to be long gone and turned to dust. You know a cause the old saying goes...ashes to ashes, dust to dust... if the asteroid don't getcha the Covid Omicron must. Poetic no doubt. Now it's off to some machine art and remember, not to worry. 

Billy Pilgrim's progress -

 road not taken or a possible detour -

Kurt Vonnegut is a literary titan without question. 🙏

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Hope Is Hope

 Here's hoping the dang keyboard will work. Okay and so far we're good to go. Dang Mac hardware, or should that be software, doesn't. Or won't. Or whatever. So I did the software update thingy to get the Monterey Apple crap and ever since, my desktop is more like a desk piece of shit. I wasn't given an option to option out of the upgrade. Oh hell no. The Apple upgrade bullshit just did the upgrade which as it turns out wasn't much of an upgrade. More like a fuck it all up grade. The really weird part is that the keyboard failures are sporadic. Different keys on my keyboard work sometimes and then the keys won't work and oh damn if that isn't about worlds of annoying. I'm of the opinion that Apple has a built in feature that after Apple thinks you're ready for a new iMac, well, your old Mac begins the computer dementia and done is finito. I really like our Mac desktop and there's nothing on the market that even comes close to the Mac. However and that being said, if'n the Mac goes belly up you are screwed and then forced to have to fork over for a new Mac and the damn things aren't exactly cheap. I could suppose that's a reason for Apple to be worth several trillion dollars and holy bars of bullion, that's a mountain of cash. Well and for now, the keyboard seems to be doing exactly what the thing was designed for. Keyboarding. On to the machine art before my keyboard does the deep six crap.

pilgrim -

room to let -

I don't think that Apple has turned out as Wozniak and Jobs had envisioned in the beginning. Apple was to be a bit more utilitarian...I think. 😏

Monday, January 10, 2022

Dark And Foreboding

 Did the title grab your attention? I was hoping it might. My keyboard seems to be all fucked up AGAIN! Dang it! Frustrating no doubt. Machine art is up next.

paint by numbers -

looking at the wild -

my computer is gonna need to go into the shop for a fix it. 😡

Sunday, January 9, 2022

One Down

 One week done and only 51 left to go in our year of pandemic revisited 2022. Gosh the first week of this new year went by pretty darn quick. Or PDQ for short. You see there are about 52 weeks in a year and with the first week finito, well, that would leave a mere 51 weeks to get through. Yippee! We have us something to look forward to. Almost leaves a person all a tingle with breathless anticipation. So and here's wondering what the next Covid variant will get named. I don't know the greek alphabet that's being used to name all the dang icky Covid variants. How about perplexicon? You know and on account of all the Covid icky virus thingies get tagged with a greek alphabet name. Or number. Or whatever. How about upchucksilon? I like that one on account of all this naming bullshit leaves a person wanting to puke. I think society in general needs to cease and desist from allowing virologists or whomever, naming the damn Covid variants. This is getting tedious if not tiresome. One shape or another, it's all the Covid so just leave it at that. I mean really. Now for some Sunday machine art.

space...the vinyl frontier -

in space 1.3 -

hmmm, there seems to be a trend developing here. 👽

Saturday, January 8, 2022

In Honor Of The Man

 Today would have been Stephen Hawking's 80th birthday. Happy B-Day Dr. Hawking. I hold Dr. Hawking in highest regard. I've read his books. Not the strictly science books, Dr. Hawking's more popular science books explaining our universe. 'A Brief History Of Time' made complex space/time theoretics understandable. Being a minor amateur theoretical physics guy, I make up more theoretical physics than I actually understand. As for the mathematics, well, I can do some of the math in my head but having to prove my work becomes problematic. Given that most of the math taught in schools these days isn't exactly the same math I grew up struggling with, I tend to simply skip over the math crap and go for what I understand. Or what's close enough for me. Yeah, I am NOT a "numbers" man. However and all that being said, Dr. Hawking made all the heady stuff understandable. I really appreciate that. Dr. Hawking had a fine sense of humor too. He could take a good joke as well as give us some humor unlike most of the science guys. Any number of the science guys and gals are for the most part humorless. So you say it's your birthday, well, happy birthday to ya. Machine art comes right about now. In space/time history of course.

hello kitty -

in space - 

did you know that if you go faster than the speed of light in reverse, you'll get to see god. that's true. 😝

Friday, January 7, 2022

First Friday

The very first Friday of 2022. Golly, the first Friday of 2022 seems like just another Friday in a rather lengthy list of Fridays. Go figure. So over in the Kazakhstan the peoples are about had enough of the dictatorial bullshit they have to live under and went apeshit crazy and started rioting with government buildings burned to a crisp and in general expressing their extreme displeasure with Kazakhstan status quo. Of course the dictator of Kazakhstan, one Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, got his el presidente panties in a twist, called in the Russians, who commenced to killing people on sight. So much for the Kazakh protests. All the fuss was over an escalation in the price of gasoline. I'm almost certain that there's more to the unrest besides rising gas prices. Much more that tends to get glossed over in Amerikan media reports. However, the Kazakh people are pissed and this isn't over. Not yet. We'll have to wait and see how many innocent Kazahks get Russianed by the end of an already very busy day in Kazakhstan, The Soviets, whoopsies I boo-booed, the Russians launch all their space stuff from Baikonur Cosmodrome that just so happens to be in Kazakhstan. Wow...go figure. Ain't about no gawd-awful peasants gonna fuck up the Soviets, oh darn and sorry, the Russians getting up to space. By the way the Soviet, sorry, Russian Cosmodrome is a way out in butt-plug Kazakhstan with the rioting occurring in Nur-Sultan the capital city of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh upper crust have changed the name of Nur-Sultan several times in almost recent history. The Kazakh upper crust seems a mite confused. However when it comes time to butcher Kazakh people, the fuckers are spot on. Well with the help of the Soviets of course. Oh sorry, I mean the Russians. Dang Soviets, I mean Russians, are almost as brutishly happy as Capitol rioters on January 6th of 2021. So it all boils down to people are just about all the same no matter where you might care to look. Any chance to spring on a little public violence seems the way to go. That being the case in our present day and age. Jesus H. Christ people, grow the fuck up. Why can't we all just get along? Now for some Friday machine art.

mushroom -

stork -

did you know that storks bring all the new babies to our really gullible world? well the storks most certainly do...not. 😀

Thursday, January 6, 2022


 December 7, 1941. January 6, 2021. Both days will live forever in infamy. In case you may have missed the memo, 'infamy' is defined as the state of being notorious for something really bad or even evil. December 7, 1941 was the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. January 6, 2021 is the day that ex-pres trump tried to usurp the presidency. Trump's minions stormed the Capitol Building, made a shit-soaked mess, and resulted in the death of at least one Capitol Police Officer. One of the insurrectionists was gunned down in the melee and gosh is that about tough or what. Stupid cow. So and here it is January 6, 2022 and trump is still not in prison. How does that evil piece of shit remain out of prison? Trump owns the insurrection of January 6 and today marks one year since. Days after the attack of September 11, 2001, there were pundits of just about all stripes calling for Mooselims to be interned. It didn't happen but a whole herd of Mooselims got themselves interned at Guantanamo Bay Camp Delta X-Ray Hell On Earth for being in Afghanistan while Osama bin Laden was alleged to have been there. Laden was allegedly the mastermind of the attack of September 11. In trump's case, there is no allegation to be made, the fucker coordinated that attack on the Capitol. So one more time, how is that evil fuck not in prison? Trump SHOULD be made to face a military tribunal, found guilty of high crimes, misdemeanors, inciting a violent riot, insurrection, and TREASON!!! Every last republican that is in cahoots with the trump should be rounded up, held in federal detention at Guantanamo, found guilty of treason, then made to face a military firing squad. Of course trump should be first. I'd love to see that fat freak frog-marched out on the National Mall, tied to a fence post, and then shot through his fat encased heart and get filled with enough bullet holes to consider the trump not only dead but a candidate for Swiss cheese of the month club. Son Of A Bitch!!!!!! Spit...spit...spit...and damn if'n our home sweet America isn't still in danger of losing our democratic republic. HOLD THE FAT FUCKER TO ACCOUNT GOD DAMN IT!!!. And now we'll wander over for some machine art.

gallery -

 the red hand -

one thing is for certain...there's a bad moon rising. no doubt. 😶