Sunday, January 9, 2022

One Down

 One week done and only 51 left to go in our year of pandemic revisited 2022. Gosh the first week of this new year went by pretty darn quick. Or PDQ for short. You see there are about 52 weeks in a year and with the first week finito, well, that would leave a mere 51 weeks to get through. Yippee! We have us something to look forward to. Almost leaves a person all a tingle with breathless anticipation. So and here's wondering what the next Covid variant will get named. I don't know the greek alphabet that's being used to name all the dang icky Covid variants. How about perplexicon? You know and on account of all the Covid icky virus thingies get tagged with a greek alphabet name. Or number. Or whatever. How about upchucksilon? I like that one on account of all this naming bullshit leaves a person wanting to puke. I think society in general needs to cease and desist from allowing virologists or whomever, naming the damn Covid variants. This is getting tedious if not tiresome. One shape or another, it's all the Covid so just leave it at that. I mean really. Now for some Sunday machine art.

space...the vinyl frontier -

in space 1.3 -

hmmm, there seems to be a trend developing here. 👽

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