Or as it's now known to the locals there, "holy shit, grab your stuff and run!" The volcano on la Palma is known as 'Cumbre Vieja' or in English that would read 'old summit'. The volcano has sort of lain there on la Palma for quite a while now and no one thought the thing would go off in the locals lifetime. Well golly and surprise surprise. Cumbre Vieja is going off and shows NO sign of letting up anytime soon. Some geologists that study volcanos and the like, insist that la Palma may in fact split in half with the northwestern end of the island sliding into the ocean and causing one hellacious tsunami. Evidently there's a fault line that runs across a good portion of la Palma and that fault line grows ever deeper and wider by the day. The geologist/volcanologist guys have photos of the fault line and these guys are dead damn serious. So with Cumbre Vieja blowing up and melting the nearby town of Todoque, residents are being evacuated and cautioned not to return until it might be safe. You know, safe to return to Todoque. Cumbre Vieja seems bent on engulfing Todoque and anything else that might be in the lava stream heading towards the Atlantic Ocean. You know cause from Cumbre Vieja and the town of Todoque, it's all down hill from there. You can google up the latest views of Cumbre Vieja doing the volcano thing and the images are pretty dang cool. Well to be specific, the views are pretty dang cool from a distance. Any view from close up would be, well, really stupid to be that close to an erupting volcano. Yee-ouch...that is really damn hot! So la Palma the island is about to become just a northwestern side less than it was oh say yesterday. So IF la Palma splits at the ole volcanic seam, the part of la Palma that was once a shield volcano will become an Atlantic nightmare of tsunamic porportion. The forecast tsunami will zip across the Atlantic at the speed of a volcanic generated tsunami and the east coast of these United States will have WAY more things to worry about than Covid vaccines, anti-maskers, idiots in Congress, and of course those ever so humorous anti-vaxxers. With all things to be considered here and all things being certainly less than equal, those bitching about any number of "issues" will have ALL their piddly-assed problems solved in one titanic wash from the Atlantic Ocean. A Cumbre Vieja generated volcanic tsunami would scrub the east coast of America clean all the way up to the Appalachian foothills. Talk about slip and slide. So with today being a Saturday and the last Saturday in the month of September, love all those around you and be grateful that you're not on la Palma and anywhere near Cumbre Vieja the volcano. IF you live on the east coast of America you might want to get your affairs in order and prepare to kiss your ass goodbye. East coasters thought hurricanes were some bad juju. Well guess again. Oh yes and that alleged tsunami will flow into the Gulf of Mexico and goodbye New Orleans. A tsunami the size of what's being predicted will wave over Florida like a tidal pool at high tide. Gosh, there goes the trump enclave at the golf course he hides at. Pity no doubt. Now let's trip the light fantastic over to some machine art and hope for the best. There might be some sarcastic cynicism there...
all that glitters might be jazz -
Zoe Trope -
the coming weeks could be really interesting. yes they could. 😏
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