Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Day Of The Hedgehog

 On account of today is the first day of autumn. Yup. Can Xmas be far off? Start your shopping drill today and beat the other holiday shoppers to the punch. So...have you seen all the 5-G towers going up in and around your neighborhood? Those ominous looking black towers of 5-G radiation enveloping your very existence. Did you know that the 5-G radiation can cause brittle bones? Did you know that the 5-G radiation can cause cancer? Did you know that the 5-G radiation will inhibit brain growth in younger children? Did you know that the 5-G radiation will give you rickets? Fallen arches? Scabs of various sizes and shapes? Toe rot? Bad breath? Achy back? Achy breaky heart worms? That ever so nasty 5-G radiation will fuse your personal device to your hand which does by the way, explain why folks everywhere seem glued to their cell phones and those tablet thingies. The 5-G radiation will leave one with the inability to look up. Look up and see your world before it melts away. Another thing...that 5-G radiation will melt your face. So there you go. Death on every corner of America and here we thought the only thing to fear was...wait for it...the Covid-19 plague and pandemic. The really irritating aspect of all this 5-G bullshit would be the annoying fact there's not shit anyone can do about the 5-G towers going up all over the place. Yes my friends, the AI machinery is taking over. Has taken over? Yeah, maybe that last one. The only possible solution to the 5-G problem is to wrap yourself in lead sheeting. I mean with the Covid-19 crap and 5-G radiation everywhere, wrapping oneself in lead sheeting would be the last thing you'd need to worry about. Aluminum foil might work. People have been wearing foil hats for a long time. Just you ask any anti-vaxxer you might happen upon. Machine art is next...

a very famous tree -

nukalar -

and the sideways approach to the nukalar issue. 😎

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