Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Four More To Go

 Only four more days to go and then...the big one. 9/11/01 + 20. Damn if'n time don't just fly by when you're having fun. Sure it does. Where were you twenty years ago when "it" happened? I was home watching Charlie on Good Morning America. What ever happened to Charlie? I liked watching him and he was about the best there was at doing those morning chatty programs. The ABC news folk broke in on Charlie and there it was unfolding on live tv. One of the "twins" on fire and then an airliner flew into the other "twin" and kah-blammy! The terror attack that changed everything is live before the eyes of a watching America. Charlie Gibson, that's his name. So, where'd he go? Retired I suppose. I can't blame him for that. Life whizzes by incredibly fast. Anyway and a way back then I was cradling a mug of hot coffee, watching the morning blah blah blah and then...and then it happened. Just like that. Not so long after the "twins" were flown into, they came crashing down on the streets of New York. Just like that. I'm still to this day more than a little skeptical about two airliners crashing into the "twins" and causing their collapse. Yeah yeah, there's been a boat load of bullshit about how airliners crashing into the "twins" could cause their collapse. I wasn't buying into the theories then and I'm still not buying into the theories. We'll just never know. Not for certain. And wasn't it just more than a little curious that George 'Dubya' Bush was in Florida reading stories to school children. Yes indeed, more than a little curious. Well, all one can say is done is done. Machine art up next.

fandango -

fleurs revisited -

President Joe is gonna release all the F.B.I. "investigative papers" surrounding 9/11/01. That should make for an interesting if not redacted read. 😲

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