James Webb, that's who was mean. Way back in the 1950's and 1960's James Webb was the administrator of NASA. Seems like a pretty dang long time ago. Say about maybe 65 years back. Yeah, that's a pretty dang long time ago. So back to the future here, now there are folks that want NASA to rename the soon to be launched James Webb Space Telescope on account of back in the day, James Webb was mean to gay people. Back then 'gay people' included gay men and lesbian women. There weren't so many transgender folk a way back when. There certainly may have very well been transgender folk BUT, the transgender folk were referred to as something else. I think. Anyway and back to the present, NASA is not about to change the name of the James Webb Space Telescope. You see there has been "pressure" for NASA to change the name of the telescope as James Webb must have been mean to gay people. The entire federal government, back in the day, simply did not hire or acknowledge gay people as the gay people were probably 'communists' anyway. So if a person happened to be of the 'gay' persuasion, well, they simply kept quiet about their sexual preference (orientation?) and that's where the term "out of the closet" originated. Back in the 1950's and 1960's one could get ostracized for being 'gay', black, beaner, unusual, poor, Catholic, Irish, gypsy, icky, straight up insane, AND/or socially retarded. America was a very different place back then but everyone knew their place and the American Dream flourished under a delusional cloud of 'same as the Jones'. That's where the term 'keeping up with the Jones' came from. There were a lot of "terms" for people a way back then. Today we call that labels or labelling. Either way. So NASA isn't about to change the name of their telescope on account of "social pressure" and that's the end of it. Why the name of a space telescope would be a big deal now is at the very least curious. Seems kind of stupid to me. Back then was back then and the social climate was what it was. Did you know that 'change' happens as the socio/economic environment evolves? Well it does. Did you know that back in the lazy crazy days of the 1950's I owned a "red" Schwinn bicycle? Yes I did and I don't think that made me a 'communist' but I could be wrong. The Quorum For Lifestyle Correctional ReCorrectionism AND Political Assessment Of Correctness In Antiquities will have to look into my past socio/political correctness AND lifestyle affiliations with the "right people" to render a verdict. I didn't affiliate with the "right people" on general principles. That and the fuckers give me the heebie-jeebies. No anti-semitism may be inferred here. Yes I have been called 'anti-semitic' and gosh I wonder why that might be? Probably because I have work in the official Palestine Poster Project. I'm more than a little proud of that honor. Anyway, the people making issues out of absolutely nothing are way more than irritating. They're simply being stupid and their stupidity is out of control. They need to sit down and shut the fuck up. Judas Priest, enough is enough. Okay and now for the machine art segment of today's program.
moon lite -
my wall lizard -
Forest Gump was absolutely correct when he stated and categorically I should add, "stupid is as stupid does." so there. 💋