Thursday, September 30, 2021

He Was Mean

James Webb, that's who was mean. Way back in the 1950's and 1960's James Webb was the administrator of NASA. Seems like a pretty dang long time ago. Say about maybe 65 years back. Yeah, that's a pretty dang long time ago. So back to the future here, now there are folks that want NASA to rename the soon to be launched James Webb Space Telescope on account of back in the day, James Webb was mean to gay people. Back then 'gay people' included gay men and lesbian women. There weren't so many transgender folk a way back when. There certainly may have very well been transgender folk BUT, the transgender folk were referred to as something else. I think. Anyway and back to the present, NASA is not about to change the name of the James Webb Space Telescope. You see there has been "pressure" for NASA to change the name of the telescope as James Webb must have been mean to gay people. The entire federal government, back in the day, simply did not hire or acknowledge gay people as the gay people were probably 'communists' anyway. So if a person happened to be of the 'gay' persuasion, well, they simply kept quiet about their sexual preference (orientation?) and that's where the term "out of the closet" originated. Back in the 1950's and 1960's one could get ostracized for being 'gay', black, beaner, unusual, poor, Catholic, Irish, gypsy, icky, straight up insane, AND/or socially retarded. America was a very different place back then but everyone knew their place and the American Dream flourished under a delusional cloud of 'same as the Jones'. That's where the term 'keeping up with the Jones' came from. There were a lot of "terms" for people a way back then. Today we call that labels or labelling. Either way. So NASA isn't about to change the name of their telescope on account of "social pressure" and that's the end of it. Why the name of a space telescope would be a big deal now is at the very least curious. Seems kind of stupid to me. Back then was back then and the social climate was what it was. Did you know that 'change' happens as the socio/economic environment evolves? Well it does. Did you know that back in the lazy crazy days of the 1950's I owned a "red" Schwinn bicycle? Yes I did and I don't think that made me a 'communist' but I could be wrong. The Quorum For Lifestyle Correctional ReCorrectionism AND Political Assessment Of Correctness In Antiquities will have to look into my past socio/political correctness AND lifestyle affiliations with the "right people" to render a verdict. I didn't affiliate with the "right people" on general principles. That and the fuckers give me the heebie-jeebies. No anti-semitism may be inferred here. Yes I have been called 'anti-semitic' and gosh I wonder why that might be? Probably because I have work in the official Palestine Poster Project. I'm more than a little proud of that honor. Anyway, the people making issues out of absolutely nothing are way more than irritating. They're simply being stupid and their stupidity is out of control. They need to sit down and shut the fuck up. Judas Priest, enough is enough. Okay and now for the machine art segment of today's program.

moon lite -

my wall lizard -

Forest Gump was absolutely correct when he stated and categorically I should add, "stupid is as stupid does." so there. 💋

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Hey Joe...Where You Gonna Run To

 I've been watching the volcano on la Palma erupting and spewing volcanic vomit all over the side of the island where Cumbre Vieja (that's the volcano's name) is going au natural. TelevisionCanaria has a real time camera running on YouTube and you can watch Cumbre Vieja going off just about 24/7. I do love me some geology stuff and volcanology in particular. Fascinating. The fire hot lava being ejected from the volcano shoots way up in the air and falls back down on a growing mound of volcanic ejection. Here's a glimpse -

Ouchy oh hell yes ouchy hot hot. Fascinating. On an unrelated non-volcanic note, the U.S. government will shut down on Friday the 1st day of October 2021 and Itchy Mitch McConnell and his merry band of pseudo-intellectual republicant's are responsible. So don't let FauxNews inform you otherwise. Republican'ts are so fucking retarded. The republicant's will cut off their nose to spite Democrats and so much for nonpartisan bullshit. This latest bullshit from the republicant's is some real odious bullshit to be absolutely certain. Democrats in Congress aren't much better. Maybe a very little bit better but not by very much. The poltroons do damage to the American people and there is absolutely no doubt about that. Maybe if America rose up as one people, gathered the idiots in Congress, loaded them on a boat bound for la Palma and then and then...pushed the miscreant bastards into Cumbre Vieja while Cumbre Vieja is going full blast furnace hot and flowing, well, maybe we could solve not only the Canary Islands problem but the problems facing the American people. Maybe. Cause what we're talking about here is one disaster directly after another disaster and I'm about had it with disasters. Volcanic and congressional. America's Congress is filled with ignorant morons and that much has been established for quite some time now. Oh yes and if you happen to tune into TelevisionCanaria to watch the volcano do it's thing, ignore the chat box crap that YouTube puts up every now and then. The klanvangelicals are raving on about Cumbre Vieja signaling the "end times" and bullshit like that there. I can't figure out how simple volcanic geology would signal "end times" or whatever. It's a freaking volcano simple as that. Klanvangelical christians are pathetically ignorant. Anyway, watch the volcano on la Palma and don't bother with watching Congress. Congress is a waste of time while Cumbre Vieja is Mother Nature doing her very best to put up a light show that is truly incredible. Now it's time for machine art.

where buffalo roam -

high and dry -

the residents of la Palma need a genuine and certified virgin to toss into Cumbre Vieja. there's not a one of those in all of the American Congress. 👸

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Big If

If today is Tuesday then the day after tomorrow would be Thursday. Imagine that. If the government shuts down on Friday, will Itchy McConnell do the honorable thing and commit ritual seppuku on the National Mall? You know, on live tv. If 'Dog the bounty hunter' is on the search for that Laundrie asshole, can Nancy Grace be fall behind? I'm just saying. Finally and to the really big if, IF I had something to insert here, well, I probably would but...I don't. On to machine art.

reliquary (google it) -

class -

some days you've got it and some days you ain't not got about squat. 😬

Monday, September 27, 2021

Mono-Myopic Monday

Well it's Monday all over again and no, this isn't some kind of Groundhog Day. For quite a while now, one day seems to run into the next day and life becomes an endless feedback loop of banal same old same old. Gun violence, trump agitating violence, Covid-19 violence, violence on America's highways, and we should probably include all the climate changing severe storms that work violence on the ole American countryside. The storms tear through hayseed America and all those homes on wheels make for some really short work by tornado velocity winds. "Herb? There goes the house and the kids were inside...". Oh well and c'est la vie. There was a blurb on the Google news page that 'Dog the bounty hunter' is joining the search for Gabby Petito's murderer. 'Dog the bounty hunter' is actually worse than Al Sharpton. Talk about jumping on a bandwagon. I can't figure out what the 'bounty hunter' brings to the search for that Laundrie asshole. 'Dog the bounty hunter' is in actual fact a larger asshole than the Laundrie guy. Dumb ass needs to get a haircut and where did the jerk off get that badge he sports? 'Dog the bounty hunter' is NOT law enforcement. No he is not. So with volcanos, idiots, idiots with guns, idiot politicians (trump), and an all around unhinged national sense of being, America is heading for one titanic nervous breakdown. A national nervous breakdown could be good for some short-lived entertainment. Certainly a minor distraction from the usual breakdown related antics. So happy Monday everyone and let us get down to the real issue here...machine art.

a surprise we all can do without -

more woods -

didn't that bounty hunter guy get prosecuted for kidnapping? 😲

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Where You Been

 A woman who (whom?) has been missing for the better part of one year finally showed up at her home in southern Utah. According to 'rumors', the woman had been abducted by "aliens" and was just recently arrived back on Planet Earth with stories to tell. Just not to media. According to the woman's family, mum's the word of the day. I find it curious that if "mum's the word", well, how in hell did the rumors start? I know the answer to an obvious question but in keeping with the woman's family request, mum's the word. EXCEPT...I know her secret. How I came to know the woman's secret is a secret. But, here's what I know for an almost certainty. The alleged missing woman was abducted by aliens and not the dang Haitian aliens that were kept cooped up at the Mexico/Texas border. So, the woman's story is like this: she was out walking one night oh about a year back see and all of a sudden there's this light coming out of the sky. Alien abductions always begin like that. So this light coming out of the sky centers up on the abducted woman and she gets sucked by the light into this alien space craft. Off she goes into an indescribable unknown. Alien abductions always have that indescribable unknown aspect. Anyway, the missing woman is off and whizzing through space with space aliens and just about the time the aliens want to "examine" the woman, well, the missing woman is having about none of that. The missing woman begins to berate the space aliens for their ignorant demands which the space aliens insist is their right to perform. "No it's not" says abducted by space aliens woman. The abducted woman commences to nag at the space aliens and complain that the space ship is too cold. "Somebody needs to turn up the heat" says abducted woman. "Get me a sweater!" The space aliens are somewhat confused by the woman's unwillingness to comply with the space alien commands. "Furthermore", says abducted woman, "this place stinks and you really should open a window." That last objection really confuses an already confused group of space aliens. "Window?" says one of the space aliens. "Yes a window" says abducted woman. Anyway, this conversational banter goes on for some time and the abducting space craft is hurtling through space at an incredibly fast rate of space/time speed. So what seemed like not so very much time to the abducted woman, in actual Earth time and the would be standard time and not the bullshit daylight savings time. Almost an entire year has passed since the abducted woman was last seen at home. Consult Albert Einstein about space, time, space/time warping, universal continuum, and just about anything else relating to deep space physics and cosmology. None of this should be confused with Deep Space Nine the tv program. Anyway, when the space aliens finally dump the abducted woman back on this here Planet Earth, there's a note from the space aliens pinned to the woman's blouse and the note reads..."Please keep the woman. She nags entirely too much, is critical about anything and everything, she gets motion sickness, she snores, so keep her she's yours and please to understand that even by our standards which are entirely different than Earth standards, the woman is a pain in the ass." And there you go. Truth or a reasonable facsimile? Machine art is up next without any abductions.

not Scooby Doo -

calendar space girl -

life can be like a box of chocolates and will melt in sunlight. 😈

Saturday, September 25, 2021

La Palma

 Or as it's now known to the locals there, "holy shit, grab your stuff and run!" The volcano on la Palma is known as 'Cumbre Vieja' or in English that would read 'old summit'. The volcano has sort of lain there on la Palma for quite a while now and no one thought the thing would go off in the locals lifetime. Well golly and surprise surprise. Cumbre Vieja is going off and shows NO sign of letting up anytime soon. Some geologists that study volcanos and the like, insist that la Palma may in fact split in half with the northwestern end of the island sliding into the ocean and causing one hellacious tsunami. Evidently there's a fault line that runs across a good portion of la Palma and that fault line grows ever deeper and wider by the day. The geologist/volcanologist guys have photos of the fault line and these guys are dead damn serious. So with Cumbre Vieja blowing up and melting the nearby town of Todoque, residents are being evacuated and cautioned not to return until it might be safe. You know, safe to return to Todoque. Cumbre Vieja seems bent on engulfing Todoque and anything else that might be in the lava stream heading towards the Atlantic Ocean. You know cause from Cumbre Vieja and the town of Todoque, it's all down hill from there. You can google up the latest views of Cumbre Vieja doing the volcano thing and the images are pretty dang cool. Well to be specific, the views are pretty dang cool from a distance. Any view from close up would be, well, really stupid to be that close to an erupting volcano. Yee-ouch...that is really damn hot! So la Palma the island is about to become just a northwestern side less than it was oh say yesterday. So IF la Palma splits at the ole volcanic seam, the part of la Palma that was once a shield volcano will become an Atlantic nightmare of tsunamic porportion. The forecast tsunami will zip across the Atlantic at the speed of a volcanic generated tsunami and the east coast of these United States will have WAY more things to worry about than Covid vaccines, anti-maskers, idiots in Congress, and of course those ever so humorous anti-vaxxers. With all things to be considered here and all things being certainly less than equal, those bitching about any number of "issues" will have ALL their piddly-assed problems solved in one titanic wash from the Atlantic Ocean. A Cumbre Vieja generated volcanic tsunami would scrub the east coast of America clean all the way up to the Appalachian foothills. Talk about slip and slide. So with today being a Saturday and the last Saturday in the month of September, love all those around you and be grateful that you're not on la Palma and anywhere near Cumbre Vieja the volcano. IF you live on the east coast of America you might want to get your affairs in order and prepare to kiss your ass goodbye. East coasters thought hurricanes were some bad juju. Well guess again. Oh yes and that alleged tsunami will flow into the Gulf of Mexico and goodbye New Orleans. A tsunami the size of what's being predicted will wave over Florida like a tidal pool at high tide. Gosh, there goes the trump enclave at the golf course he hides at. Pity no doubt. Now let's trip the light fantastic over to some machine art and hope for the best. There might be some sarcastic cynicism there...

all that glitters might be jazz -

Zoe Trope -

the coming weeks could be really interesting. yes they could. 😏

Friday, September 24, 2021

A Last Friday Twister

 Yes my friends, today is the very last Friday in September and there won't be anymore. Fridays. So to kick this last Friday in September off with a comparatively illogical twist, Arizona has declared Joe Biden as the "official" winner of the presidential election from last November 2020. No shit, really? The grate State of Arizona twisted itself into very dry knots at the behest of donny 'boy' trump, to somehow award the trump with an Arizona win in trump's failed quest to get his treasonous ass elected to a second term as president. Don't get me wrong here, Arizona tried really REALLY hard to overturn their election results. After months of horseshit 22's, theatrics by Arizona republicants, threats, threats of violence, world class histrionics, whining on a scale not seen since the dark ages, the antics of Torquemada, and/so/but alas t'was not to be. Biden won the Arizona election the old fashioned way, Joe got the most votes. On any regular day Arizona can appear stupid. On this very special day, Arizona appears stupid and seditious all in one fell recount of ballots cast. The trump now turns his attention to Texas and is pleading for a Texas recount of the balloting. The trump actually won Texas in the already past presidential election November 2020. Yes trump is an actual raving lunatic and how the flaming asshat hasn't been tried for sedition and treason, which by the way are legally construed as 'high crimes and misdemeanors', I find to be curious in the very least. The trump being the pouty bitch he very much is, runs free to this day and that all in and of itself is an act of willful dereliction of duty by America's greasy Congress. Fucking poltroons no doubt. So with this Friday being twisted like rubber cord in hell, it's time for some machine art. Twisty machine art to be certain.

it sucks to be la Palma at present -

the boy -

the boy looks on wondering, what the fuck is wrong with America? the boy is not alone. 😟

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Where Oh Where Indeed

 The "search" for Brian Laundrie continues to continue. Laundrie is the gutless wonder that murdered Gabby Petito. All bitching aside over how the media portrays the Petito murder, 'sure sure another white girl missing and the press comes out in force', the young woman is dead and her killer (that Laundrie freak) is on the lam. Laundrie has had plenty of time to ghost. Asshat returned to his parents home on September 1, 2021 and without Ms. Petito and the Laundrie parents, evidently, hardly even blinked. Must be routine behavior for Brian Laundrie to head off with a young woman and return again without any woman whatsoever. I think that Laundrie's parents could be charged with aiding and abetting a suspected killer. Possibly accomplice to murder. So the law authorities are searching some wilderness reserve in Florida and I could imagine they won't find Laundrie. Dude is long gone and not into any wilderness reserve in Florida. Laundrie was provided ample time to "disappear" and his parents helped. That much seems obvious. As soon as the media hysterics start to dissipate, life will return to almost normal for the Laundries and the murderer dude will be found about twenty years from today. Talk about insensitive priorities. I'm thinking that law enforcement should probably be looking for the Petito killer in Georgia or Alabama. Louisiana or Mississippi should possibly be on any short list of whereabouts unknown. Utah law enforcement could have intervened on Petito's behalf when the couple were pulled over outside Arches National Park but, no. The Grand County Sheriffs aren't exactly up to speed on domestic violence and the women victimized by domestic violence. Grand County Sheriffs cover Moab, Utah and the surrounding vicinities. The Grand County Sheriffs were responding to a report of domestic abuse by Laundrie on Ms. Petito. The young couple were sent on their way to murder. Brian Laundrie as murderer and Gabby Petito as murdered. Anytime the Grand County Sheriff is involved, the public can rest assured that Utah's finest imitation of Barney Fife is on the job. My condolences go to the Petito family. Gabby Petito did NOT have to be murdered, yet she certainly was. So what we have here is failure on so many diffuse levels and Gabby Petito's "right to life, liberty, and her pursuit of happiness" was surely denied. Machine art is next.

all that glitters -

picasso type plate -

so and for the ladies, it might be a good idea to view men with a modest degree of suspicion. 😠

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Day Of The Hedgehog

 On account of today is the first day of autumn. Yup. Can Xmas be far off? Start your shopping drill today and beat the other holiday shoppers to the punch. So...have you seen all the 5-G towers going up in and around your neighborhood? Those ominous looking black towers of 5-G radiation enveloping your very existence. Did you know that the 5-G radiation can cause brittle bones? Did you know that the 5-G radiation can cause cancer? Did you know that the 5-G radiation will inhibit brain growth in younger children? Did you know that the 5-G radiation will give you rickets? Fallen arches? Scabs of various sizes and shapes? Toe rot? Bad breath? Achy back? Achy breaky heart worms? That ever so nasty 5-G radiation will fuse your personal device to your hand which does by the way, explain why folks everywhere seem glued to their cell phones and those tablet thingies. The 5-G radiation will leave one with the inability to look up. Look up and see your world before it melts away. Another thing...that 5-G radiation will melt your face. So there you go. Death on every corner of America and here we thought the only thing to fear was...wait for it...the Covid-19 plague and pandemic. The really irritating aspect of all this 5-G bullshit would be the annoying fact there's not shit anyone can do about the 5-G towers going up all over the place. Yes my friends, the AI machinery is taking over. Has taken over? Yeah, maybe that last one. The only possible solution to the 5-G problem is to wrap yourself in lead sheeting. I mean with the Covid-19 crap and 5-G radiation everywhere, wrapping oneself in lead sheeting would be the last thing you'd need to worry about. Aluminum foil might work. People have been wearing foil hats for a long time. Just you ask any anti-vaxxer you might happen upon. Machine art is next...

a very famous tree -

nukalar -

and the sideways approach to the nukalar issue. 😎

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Two For A Tuesday

 Busy busy busy...loads to do on this here Tuesday and that would include one of those ever so irritating OS upgrade things. Not to be outdone here, Safari is wanting an upgrade so that'll take the ole Mac offline for about the better part of today. I do look forward to those Apple upgrade things. Not. Anyway and before the machine goes into shutdown for upgrade mode, I'm posting the important stuff so as not to be interrupted at some later point in computer/space/time history. At least theoretically.

one of the greats, Dizzy -

you'll know when things turn to shit -

have a pleasant Tuesday y'alls. 😮

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Law Of The West

 A recent study by the Salt Lake Tribune in conjunction with PBS Frontline, has concluded that Utah cops shoot people. Wow is that ever about a shocker or what. That's all I've got for today. Wow and go figure. Machine art right about now...

Jackie -

facial farce -

so if you happen to see a police person anywhere in Utah and wave folks smile and wave. 😲

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Gentle Days Of Autumn

 The official beginning of autumn is just days away. The autumnal equinox happens on Wednesday September 22, 2021. An autumnal equinox marks the first day of astronomical AND meteorological fall. In practical terms, the retail first day of fall happens anytime after Labor Day so watch out for the Christmas crap to go on sale. There is Halloween crap on sale at present but if you look closely, the Christmas crap is mixed in with the Halloween crap and America's children are simply confused. "Mommy...should I ask that jack-oh-lantern for a new bike?" Retailers are out of control and that's hardly news to just about anyone. So autumn is here and it's time to break out the sweaters and jackets and get ready for Thanksgiving (turkeys, you are all on notice). Time to enjoy the end of smoke-choked skies and one brutally hot summer. Well, here's hoping that the wildfire smoke is going to blow away. The wildfires won't be extinguished until snow begins to fall. Heavy snow is what's needed to end the wildfires. Whether that will happen is anyone's best guess. Maybe Jim Cantori can inform America. Cantori is one of the 'stars' on the Weather Channel. At least he used to be. I haven't watched the Weather Channel ever since I gave up on the Comcast cable bullshit so I have no idea whether Cantori is still there. It was funny watching Cantori get all whizzed up over snow lightning and thunder. Snow lightning and thunder is old hat way out here in the West. If snow starts to fall and it really doesn't matter if autumn is underway or not, if snow is's winter. Simple as that. So in celebration of the autumnal's time for machine art.

alien blossoms -

my wife's garden angel -

there you go and TTFN... 😜

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Bionic Underclock

 An unnamed tech company in the previously disclosed Silicon Valley is developing a clock you wear under your skin and so when you might like to know what time it is, well, you simply tap your skin and your skin lights up with the time. I do have several if not a whole shitload of questions for these unnamed techies from Silicon Valley ... why? Why do that? Wearing a watch has become unfashionable? I'm thinking that Rolex isn't gonna like this notion and not one bit. Gosh, if the techie guys want to implant a watch under your skin, why not a cell phone implanted somewhere on your carcass where a cell phone just might fit. You know like in your intestines or between your liver and your spleen. Of course accessing that implanted cell phone could prove problematic. No doubt. How about gif tattoos? That might prove to be cool as cool could be. The tattoos could act out little tattoo art plays and stuff like that there. Gosh, some freewheeling techie guy could program a tattoo to act out Hamlet or Macbeth. Oh the potential artistry projects could have worlds of opportunity and to think this all started with an implanted watch. Alrighty then and now we'll implant on to the machine art. Frankly, any implanted machine art might wreck the entire notion of machine art. What would be the point? Selfish gratification knowing that no one anywhere gets to see the art you'd be packing around? Nah...I don't care for the idea at all. 

breaking through -

whatever floats your artistic boat -

you know those under amour guys might like the idea of an under your skin watch. the under amour guys could implant shoes and athletic stuff on your body someway and you'd be all set to whatever you might like. 😬

Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday As Figurative Theorem

 "An ineffable dimensionality could be tantamount to quadratic ineffability."

Wow is that deep or what. Yes my friends it's Friday and at this point in space/time history, it looks as if there might just be a crisp and smoke free day of clean air to breathe in. The gathering gloom will, possibly, return this afternoon. That of course would happen later on and not quite yet. Possibly. 

So it would be fair to posit that we are living through some damn squeamish times. Wildfires, pandemic plagues, raucous political bullshit, and the peasants are really REALLY unhappy. Today's news made mention that sequoia trees are burning in Sequoia National Park. Sequoias are gigantic redwood trees found just about nowhere else on Planet Earth. Oh yes and by the way, Sequoia National Park is in California. California is burning from its northern top to its la la lifestyle southern end. You know where San Diego meets Tijuana? Tijuana is in Mexico. San Diego is in California. Well...duh. It might be fair to conclude that California is witnessing a fiery apocalypso end times sort of scenario AND that fiery apocalypso end times thingy will inevitably burn eastward. A fiery apocalypso wouldn't take very long to burn through Nevada. There's not much in Nevada to offer up any resistance to a fiery apocalypso. Basically, Nevada is the basin and range part of our America and that transitions into Utah and once again, there's not much in the way of resistance in Utah. Utah is also for the most part, basin and range geography. Well up to and until one smacks into the Wasatch Range which just so happens to be the geographic spine of Utah. And on a political note, the Wasatch Range is also why Utah politicians have no spine. They really don't need a spine as Utah has the Wasatch Range which as already mentioned is the geographic spine of Utah. Have a look at Utah Governor Spencer Cox for the powerpoint presentation on how to stand erect while missing a spine. Moving eastward from Utah, you'll run into the Rocky Mountains which just so happen to range from the Canadian north to the Mexican south. An apocalyptic firestorm should be slowed down, at least in some small part, due to the Rockies. But the Rocky Mountains are just as drought stricken as the entire western U.S. and there's not really much in the way of an apocalyptic wildfire storm other than physical elevation. The Rocky Mountains are pretty dang tall. I mean a way up there where there isn't much air. To breathe. BUT, a wildfire fueled apocalypso will always find a way to burn on and burning through corn country won't even slow a wildfire apocalypso down and burning corn will pop its way eastward and about the only thing to stop a wildfire apocalypso would be the Missouri River OR, possibly, the Mississippi River. So there you have it. Apocalypso in theoretical expression and damn if'n we all ain't just about screwed. It's obvious in the mathematics and one can't really argue with the math. So there. An ineffable dimensionality is proven to be an eventual ineffability of histrionic proportion. Machine art is next.

fancy oh yeah -

eggy as in theoretical egghead -

have a nice weekend y'all and may the farce be with you. 💃

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Run Silent Run Away

 It seems that things have gone really quiet on the Faroe Islands. No press release, no public information update, no spokesperson outlining how the Faroe Islanders are 'living their cultural identity'. Not a sound nor a peep. Well and not the sound of a long knife being shoved into the neck of a white-sided dolphin. The Faroe Islanders certainly provided a bloody spectacle filled with lust, murder, and insanity. Now they've gone dummy up. On the advise of council no doubt. The fuckers should be charged with crimes against humanity and cetaceans. Yeah I've still got a burn working over that little atrocity. Obscenity? Either way. Machine art is coming next.

little house in a hood -

craggy peak -

I'm going to exercise my right of "cultural identity" on the Faroe Islanders and kindly inform them all to fuck off and die. you see I have the genes of Scotland in my genetic makeup and the Scots like to use the expression "fuck off!" and that use is fairly common and accepted in Scotland. just you ask Crain Ferguson. you could also ask Billy Connolly but he's crossed over to the "other side." 😠

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Kill Them Dolphins Kill Them Whales

 On the Faroe Islands which is somewhere in the North Sea, the Faroeans like to kill dolphins and whales. It's part of their "cultural identity." Yeah, what ever. The Faroeans held their "annual dolphin/whale harvest (read slaughter)" on Sunday September 12, 2001. At least the fuckers held off for a day so as not to seem 'insensitive' towards the 9/11/01 bullshit. These brave and mighty hunters slaughtered over 1400 white-sided dolphins in a blood shedding ritual that is part of what makes the Faroe Islanders...Faroe Islanders (read assholes). The screwy bastards corral the white-sided dolphins using boats and a lot of boats to be quite specific, then they drive the white-sided dolphins up towards shallow water and the killing fields they call a beach and have away at the dolphins with knives. Talk about day of the long knives. The Faroe islands bloodthirsty lunatics also like to kill pilot whales but their Sunday killing fest made no mention of pilot whales being slaughter. That must be for a later story. Assholes! The Faroe Islands clowns aren't content eating fish and kelp. Oh no. The sorry freaks insist on killing dolphins and whales on account of...that's what they've always done. Back to that antiquated if not wholesale idiocy kindly referred to as "cultural identity." 'Cultural identity' my ass you sick freaks! The BBC News website ran the story this morning and that would be Wednesday September 15, 2021. The BBC headline reads 'Faroe Islands: Anger over killing of 1400 dolphins in one day'. Yeah, "anger" doesn't really express the outrage at this utter display of stupid and callous murder. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) are sentient beings and travel our world's oceans almost safe in the notion that whaling and dolphin slaughter has ceased to be practiced. Well for the most part. There are backwater spots on our precious Planet that still murder dolphins and whales. It's that 'cultural identity' motif once again. Cultural heritage, cultural identity and it's all bullshit and cover for ignorant murder and gratuitous slaughter of thinking beings that are by nature far superior to the human species that continues to brutalize our Planet for pretty much no logical or sound reason whatsoever. Outraged? Oh yeah, outrage really doesn't cover exactly what I'm feeling at present towards the Faroe Islanders and their asshole existence on Planet Earth. I think it probably would NOT be a bad thing to simply nuke the Faroe Islands and be done with them. The islanders and their 'cultural identity'. Goddamn, how backwater inbred does one have to be in the early stages of our twenty first century? The question/remark is rhetorical by design. Short answer would be, pretty goddamn if not straight up fucking stupid. And ignorant. And cruel. And and and...okay I think I'm running out invective to spit in the general direction of the Faroe Islands and the Faroe Islands murderers. BASTARDS!!! KNOCK THAT BULLSHIT OFF!!!!! Machine art is next.

flights of fantasy -

grackle -

all thinking creatures will want to give the Faroe Islands a wide berth. the assholes will kill you for lunch. 😩

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tongue Tied And Tuesday

 Here it is a Tuesday and where did Monday go? Slipped by almost unnoticed. So I'm at the store and there's a woman at the store just about in total rave-mode. I mean she's on and on, a quite noisy prattle. So what is the woman in such a fuss about? Having to wear a mask. Evidently Covid-19 the Delta Variant is "infringing" on her constitutional rights. I did not know that the Covid-19 had anything to do with 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' OR America's Constitution. Well evidently the Covid-19 does and the woman has about had it up to her armpits. You see it's perfectly "righteous" for the woman to catch the Covid and of course, pass that Covid-19 off to anyone within her coughing/spitting circle of existence. I disagreed with her premise. My bad. I asked the woman why she was so horrified by the notion of having to wear a mask. It was plain for all to see that the woman wearing a mask would be like a concession to social convention. The woman was not exactly a sight for sore eyes. I posed to her my question and all I got back was that ever so delightful deer caught in the headlights look. The woman went blank. Her eyes sort of glazed over, her mouth hung open as if wanting to say something but, there was nothing there to say. It became apparent rather quickly that the woman had nothing to offer in her defense of not wearing a mask. She just stood there tongue tied and twisting herself into knots. The woman was struggling with her cognitive functioning and that much was obvious. The woman would, occasionally, make a gurgling noise that was more than a bit disconcerting. It was like she was strangling on her own drool. She was not about to offer a word nor could she. I felt almost guilty for putting the woman on the spot. I also felt a bit relived that the woman hadn't pulled a gun. You see the anti-maskers and the anti-vaxxers are a wee tiny bit rabid. Foam collects on the corners of their mouths when they're not engaged in a proper tirade against that malicious "deep state government." When they are engaged in a proper tirade against whatever is chapping their asses at any particular moment, the collected spit foam flies for distance. Oh they are a treat. I need to confess that I do find a particular sense of accomplishment anytime that I can windup one the loopers and their anxiety levels are somehow sort of satisfying. I do try to be careful to avoid one of the loonies IF they happen to be packing a sidearm. That'd be down right dangerous. The screwy freaks are known to shoot people for less aggravation than what I tend to cause. Oh well and c'est la vie. Art de la machine is next. I do like to use the French, it seems so dang artsy.

oh la la -

voir c'est croire -

so there you go for a Tuesday and we all know what tomorrow brings. 🐫

Monday, September 13, 2021

Back To The Same Old

 Here it is a Monday and the second full week since Labor Day. Don't wear white. Or are you supposed to wear white? Ah, who cares. Wear whatever in hell you'd care to wear. Gosh, that rhymes. Almost like the crimes of our times. That rhymes. Trump and chump. That rhymes. Pillow Guy and don't buy. That rhymes too. Be a proud American and give the 'Pillow Guy' the finger. Don't buy his crap. You'll sleep better because of it. BOYCOTT THE PILLOW GUY!!! He's a bat-shit crazy asshole anyway. The 'guy' held a rally somewhere in our America and the rally was for trump. There were supposed to be 10,000 trump-sucking idiots show up. Unfortunately for the 'guy' and fortunately for us, only a couple hundred people showed up and it was a stellar failure for the 'guy' and a giant if not positive step for America. Okay and now everyone back to work the 9/11/01 twenty year anniversary is over. America woke up this Monday morning with a raging pandemic, lost football bets, and happy days are here again. Or not. Now for some machine art.

looking forward to a bleak future -

the fever dreams of Frida -

the Utah Department of Corrections released a list of names of inmates that have died from the Covid-19. damn, that has so got to suck. catch the freaking Covid and die in prison. the inmates had NOT been sentenced to death. well the inmates certainly DID have a death sentence whether they wanted one of not. 😵

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Just Like That

 It's over and done. The twenty year anniversary of 9/11/01 is gone like the proverbial sock born on a strong wind. As you were everyone, it's over. You all may now continue with whatever you might have been doing prior to yesterday's homage to horror. And of course, twenty years of dry as dust waste. Treasure lost, lives lost, life forever changed, and for what? For one single day in September where everyone celebrates the hypocrisy of it all. Bye bye and see you in about another twenty years. We had us some fun for sure. Or not. So now we can get back to what's really important and that would be the machine art. 

red house -

one lone shoe -

tomorrow will be another manic Monday and same ole same old. 💬

Saturday, September 11, 2021

It Was Twenty Years Ago...Today

 Twenty years flew by. Time does fly when you're having fun. We have been having fun...haven't we? Afghanisnam, Iraq, the war on terror, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, trump, and even Hillary. Speaking about Hillary, America hates the woman so badly that it elected donald trump over Hillary. Jesus, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. We did have Sgt. Peppers to pass twenty years with but it really didn't help much. Guantanamo and the illegal detention of Mooselim men. C.I.A. run "secret prisons" so the spooky boys could torture Mooselims and no one would notice. Or so the story goes. Abu Ghraib in Iraq so the U.S. military could torture Iraqis. The last twenty years have given America an abundance of ugly shit. Supposed if not alleged 'honorable' American leaders reduced to make your skin crawl vermin hellbent on undoing the rule of law and simple human decency. Yeah some fun there boy. Does anyone dare to imagine what the next twenty years might bring? Not me. I seriously doubt I've got another twenty years left in me. However, you just never know. Regardless, I am not looking forward to what might be coming down ye ole pike. The way America looks today, I think the next twenty years will be an ironic amplification of the last twenty years. Karma kids and the karma always comes home to roost sooner or later. Later would be the preferable but sooner is the more likely. Twenty years ago today. I can still remember how beautiful the skies looked after all the flights were cancelled on "that day." I'm thinking that America might not ever get the chance to see that again. Sgt. Pepper might have taught a band to play but no one and I mean NO ONE has paid the piper, at least not to date. I think I've picked enough scab off of this not yet healed wound. Time now for some machine art. The congregation shall say "amen!"

Namistan -

a soft parade is yet to come -

more of the same when enough has been enough. 😵

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tomorrow And "That Day"

 I was listening to the radio this morning, the PBS radio schtick (NPR) and, a lady was prattling on and on about "that day." At first I couldn't figure out what the hell she was on about. After a bit and as the morning brain fog lifts, it dawns on me the talking head lady was on about 9/11/01 and the twentieth anniversary of "that day" which just so happens to be tomorrow. The lady prattled on for a while and never not once made mention of 9/11/01. The woman kept saying "that day." It was almost as if the mere mention of 9/11/01 would bring an airliner crashing into her radio booth killing the radio woman, the radio staff, crush the building housing the radio booth, and be cause for an al-Qaeda celebration of twenty successful years post 9/11/01. The NPR radio talking head woman seemed more than unprofessional. A shade on the paranoid side. Clueless as to what she was talking about. It is perfectly acceptable to say '9/11/01'. You can even pronounce the words...'nine eleven oh one'. You probably would not want say backslash. You know for that filling a space grammatical thingy and not have to hit the space bar on your keyboard. Say it talking head radio lady...SAY IT! Nine Eleven Twenty Ought One the day that changed everything. 'That day' certainly started off the twenty first century with a twin skyscraper crashing big bang and that is not theory. IT'S FACT! All of it. On an unrelated note, did the people that jumped from the 'towers' that day, you know 9/11/01, did their smashed bodies ever get recovered? Or even identified? Yes there were photos of the people bailing out of the towers. Both the towers. "I believe I can fly..." No you can't. The law of gravity and the laws of physics dictate otherwise. Those images were the single most striking from that fateful day. Kind of shocking if not morbid. See what I did there? I didn't say "that day," I said 'that fateful day'. There is a difference you know. Anyway the photos of people jumping out of the towers were horrifying in a way that you simply couldn't look away. You knew what would happen to the jumpers. But still you had to look. I can remember seeing those images. Did you know and this would be an additional unrelated fact about 9/11/01, there are NO images of the alleged hijacked jetliner striking the Pentagon Building. None. There are plenty of images of the planes hitting the twin towers. That was even on live television. But there are no images of an actual airliner flying into the Pentagon. I find that curious if not telling as telling can be. Oh well, ain't not a dang thing can be done about any of it now. Not a thing. However, America gets to "remember that day" and forget about it for another twenty years. Now for some Friday machine art before "that day" gets here and America is forced to relive all the horrors of September 11, 2001 and mock a silly-ass talking radio head woman that works for NPR. Bobbleheaded and inane bitch any way. Oh sorry...the art.

here comes round the bend -

garden of 9/11 delights -

please note that there will be plenty of distraction on the morrow. America can't be having folk reliving "that day." TTFN until the tomorrow. 💥

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Day After Tomorrow

The big day is almost here. Ewww... the anticipation almost sends shivers up your spine. So much to look forward to and that's totally ignoring college football which will be the real celebration on Saturday September 11, 2021. Bands, parades, flowers, drinks, idiocy, and that's just at the tailgate parties prior to the football. Of course college football is way more important than remembering 9/11/01. That's much too painful to spend any time on so, let's not. Let's not even acknowledge 9/11 happened. Ignore it and it shall go away. Did you happen to read where forensics pathologists are finally able to identify remains of those killed on 9/11/01? Well it's true. I wondered almost aloud, where have "they" been keeping those remains? History will have to up the body count. Twenty years almost to the day and dead people are still being named. I'm thinking that must be a relief for the families of the victims killed on that damnably ugly day. Only took twenty years but hey, finality should be done is done. Finally. Better late than  never? Insensitive? Probably. I'm thinking that "remains" must be the bits and pieces of human bodies recovered from the wreckage of two really tall buildings crashing to the ground. Hamburger? One pathologist says to a second pathologist, "that might be a nose maybe..." Black comedy no doubt. So there it is in stark and glaring appearance. What a world what a world. Machine art is next. Without any of the grisly twisting from horrendous events. 9/9/2021 and counting down.

faceless at creekside -

lemur -

did you know that America is above the law? any and all law...what bullshit. 💣

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Tautology Of 9/11/01

 "We don't know what we don't know."...Donald Rumfeld

"Those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction aren't under my desk."...George W. Bush

"Enhanced interrogation is NOT torture."...John Choon Yoo author of 'The Torture Memos'

"I have the power."...Michael Chertoff

"I could have been the commissioner of the NFL."...Condoleeza Rice

"Law? We don't need no stinking' law."...Michael Mukasey

"I can fly like an eagle." John Ashcroft

"All you'll need is duct tape and plastic sheeting."...Tommy Ridge

"Either you are with us or you are against us."...George W. Bush

machine art ...

farscape -

peony -

dang if'n we ain't about having us some fun. oh yeah... 💨

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Four More To Go

 Only four more days to go and then...the big one. 9/11/01 + 20. Damn if'n time don't just fly by when you're having fun. Sure it does. Where were you twenty years ago when "it" happened? I was home watching Charlie on Good Morning America. What ever happened to Charlie? I liked watching him and he was about the best there was at doing those morning chatty programs. The ABC news folk broke in on Charlie and there it was unfolding on live tv. One of the "twins" on fire and then an airliner flew into the other "twin" and kah-blammy! The terror attack that changed everything is live before the eyes of a watching America. Charlie Gibson, that's his name. So, where'd he go? Retired I suppose. I can't blame him for that. Life whizzes by incredibly fast. Anyway and a way back then I was cradling a mug of hot coffee, watching the morning blah blah blah and then...and then it happened. Just like that. Not so long after the "twins" were flown into, they came crashing down on the streets of New York. Just like that. I'm still to this day more than a little skeptical about two airliners crashing into the "twins" and causing their collapse. Yeah yeah, there's been a boat load of bullshit about how airliners crashing into the "twins" could cause their collapse. I wasn't buying into the theories then and I'm still not buying into the theories. We'll just never know. Not for certain. And wasn't it just more than a little curious that George 'Dubya' Bush was in Florida reading stories to school children. Yes indeed, more than a little curious. Well, all one can say is done is done. Machine art up next.

fandango -

fleurs revisited -

President Joe is gonna release all the F.B.I. "investigative papers" surrounding 9/11/01. That should make for an interesting if not redacted read. 😲

Monday, September 6, 2021

And Another Thing...

 When George W. Bush and his band of merry war criminals decided to wage war on the Taliban and inside Afghanistan, Bush sent an army of C.I.A. paramilitary types into the Afghaniscam to take down the Taliban. At this point in time, we all know how well that turned out. You see back in the day, the Soviets tried a turn at taming the Afghans and the C.I.A. was helping the 'mujahideen warriors' make the Soviet Army's life miserable. The Soviets had set up a puppet government in Kabul and tried their best to turn the Soviet sponsored Afghan government into a functioning and pro-Soviet satellite state. That didn't work out too well and with the C.I.A. training and arming the 'mujahideen' well it didn't take long for the Soviets to cut bait and vacate the Afghan premises. You see, the 'mujahideen' were the seeds planted that grew the Taliban and those dreaded al-Qaida types. Yes people, these here United States of America cultivated the very terrorists that gave us 9/11/01 the day that changed everything AND America's inability to get an Afghan government to stand on it's own. Ergo, the bug out of Hamid Karzai International Airport. Ole Karzai, at the beginning of the Afghanisnam war had in his custody one Mullah Omar whom the U.S. wanted dead or alive as Mullah Omar was the face of the Taliban. At the time. Anyway Karzai made certain that Mullah Omar got his ass into hiding and almost credible intel maintains that one-eyed Omar lived out his days in Zabul Province, Afghanisnam. The brutal fuck died in 2013 from tuberculosis. Or so goes the story. Sorry I digress. The C.I.A. had a "secret army" and that's the story here. So when you hear the screwy freaks that dog on and on about 'secret governments' and weird alien shit happening inside those secret military bases and crazy-assed shit like that there, the loopers have at least a small modicum of factual basis. Yes it's the week to celebrate 9/11/01 and all the fairy tales and weird shit that surrounds 9/11/01 and know that your American government has your best interests at heart. Sure they do. Good lord, the American people are as gullible as they are ignorant and stupid. Now we'll proceed to the machine art and there will be no secret about that.

a smidge of 'secret' graphic designed to fuck with the spooky boys. that'd be the C.I.A. and their "army" of men that stare at goats. -

cryptic avocados -

did you know that it's good to be king? happy labor day everyone 🌵