Thursday, November 19, 2020

mask of the covid death

 the Covid-19 continues unabated in the amerika and the death toll climbs exponentially each and every day. el gordo trump allowed all this death to raise holy hell on amerika. trump and his 'run-and-hide' from the obvious strategy is failure now as it failed from the start of this disgraceful mess. trump and trump alone. why anyone with half a brain would have voted for this asshat is unfathomable. so it seems that rethuglicans will hang with the old el gordo and let amerika slide into disarray and whomever might be left after (if?) amerika gets a vaccine is just about alright with them. the rethuglicans are inherently evil and probably, for the good of our entire Planet, should be exterminated. hmmm, maybe exterminated is too strong a descriptive. how about eradicated. yeah that's the ticket, eradicate the freaks and get on with it. hopefully Joltin' Joe Biden will in fact be able to heal amerika. I think the man should at least get a chance. after all, Biden DID win the election 2020 and el gordo simply can't come to terms with that. fuck him. oh sorry, I waxed just a shade vulgar. wow and what do you know, nothing else will work so, fuck him. el gordo trump and certainly not Joe Biden. on with the experimental machine art and stuff.

it's a screen saver -

lightfall -

hang there everybody, things may get better. :/

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