Monday, November 23, 2020

deep's already been done

those ever so 'exciting' genius folk at M.I.T., Harvard, Tufts, Blades, Eversmart, Wanker, and Pullsome are working on a computer that will deliver the answer to life, the universe, and everything. that's already been done. see the books by Douglas Adams. Mr. Adams was a visionary of extraordinary literative prescience. that and Mr. Adams was pretty damn funny. the computer being designed and built by the university genius types will deliver up the answer to the aforementioned really deep question and of course the university genius folk will not understand the answer given by their whiz-bang sparkly if not spiffy computer. that answer will be the same as it has always been, 42. that's the answer every last computer ever built anywhere across our dynamic and infinitely expansive universe has given up every time the computations have been computed. ergo...42. problem is, no one understands the answer let alone the question. however the genius types WILL build that computer for the simple reason they can. and will. and still...they'll be stumped. that's the way of all things both intellectual and universally arrogant. sentient beings always figure that they (sentient beings) are smarter than everybody and end up smarting themselves out of a job. pretty dang smart, no? anyway, there's something really deep for everyone to chew on this fine Monday morning the 23 day of November 2020. Thanksgiving will be held on this coming Thursday. remember to mask up BUT, take your mask off before trying to eat that Thanksgiving dinner. of course one could always cut a hole in your mask to be able to eat and stay on the safe side of the CDC. just a deep thinking thought for a holiday season. did you know that Christmas will be a mere one month away after Thanksgiving? well it will and if you do actual and for reals mathematics the answer will be exactly one month minus one day. you know on account of Thanksgiving will be on the 26th of November and Christmas is on the 25th of December. with both holidays being in the year of our lord 2020. hallelujah and amen. on to the experimental machine art and stuff segment of today's program.

links missing and otherwise -

it takes a village. in theory anyway -

that is all for now. peace and outta here :]

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