Saturday, April 30, 2022

The End Of A Line

 Made it. Finally. Finito. And furthermore, no more of that. For now. On account of...TOMORROW IS MAY DAY...MAY DAY...MAY DAY!!! And so it goes. Here's a week's ending addition to the machine art gallery. 

Vol. 1 -

front to back -

androgyn -

politician -

Rasputin -

a nifty package of machine art for everyone's viewing pleasure. or...whatever. 😎

Friday, April 29, 2022

It's Friday In The Land Of Fictosexuals

 It seems obvious that our world is gone nut up. Freaked out. Twisted large and damn stupid. Problem is, there ain't about not much can be done about any of it. That sucks... Here is Friday's contribution and machine art collection.

vacation oh yeah (in Ukraine) -

lost his dang lens -

artistry -

spectacular -

we's living in paradise no doubt. hang in kids. 💋

Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Glaring Lack Of Political Will

 To effectively make necessary changes to the human destruction of our world's climate. The necessary time to effect change is passed. Such a pity. Machine artistry for a Thursday.

recline -

Ukraine -

birth -

death -

ad hoc infinity. wow is that some heady stuff or what. 😏

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fictosexual And On A Hump Day No Less

 No bullshit and here's the link -

People have gone straight up batshit insane. Here's machine art to hopefully alleviate the news.

wolf -

absurd -

oh my GAWD!!! -

family -

machine -

just when you think that things can't get anymore fucked up than at present...😟

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Trip A Tight Fantastic

 It's Tuesday's more artsy crap.

Mesquite -

bus stop -

American beauty -

illusion -

art soothes the soul of the savage anarchist. 😃

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday Monday

 All machine art all week long. Yup...that's the ticket.

urban without Keith -

Mary and Eme @ the mirage -

words of wisdom...grab hold of the now, that's all there is. 👯

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Leave Something Behind

 Something, anything? Does the act hold meaning? sometime...or...then again...maybe not. It seems far better to leave something of intrinsic value behind than leave a granite slab with your name on it. I'm thinking that tombstones are nothing more than graffiti on rock. 

I watched 'The Accountant' starring Ben Affleck yesterday afternoon. The movie seemed a bit different role for Affleck. Violent movie no doubt. Anyway and at the end of the movie the credits had a Sean Rowe soundtrack which struck me as some really fine music. Powerful performance by Mr. Rowe. The guy has some thunderous pipes. Anyway that's my story for today and I'll stick with it. For now. Machine art is next.

portal -

relic -

last week in April so...get ready for May Day. 💃

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Almost The End

 Almost the end of April. Yup. One week of April is all that's left us and then...and then...May Day May Day. So enjoy what's left of April and get ready for big events in May. You know Mothers Day and Memorial Day and Kentucky Derby day and probably some other crap day I seem to forget for now. Moving on, it's time for machine art and there you go.

colors -

moonish -

some pithy remark should go right about here. I'd offer one up...if I had one. 😑

Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day 2022

 It's Earth Day baby and it's too late though we really did try to tell you...

Apologies to Carole King. 

Our precious Mother Earth is now raped, pillaged, wounded severely, and just where the hell might people go to live when our Mother Earth becomes uninhabitable? Seems a fair question that every damn last human will have to face probably quite soon. The rich ruling elite do have a plan of escape. You know to vacate the premises when it's time to pay the earth-raping piper. The ruling elite are banking on Elon Musk to build a functional space voyaging ark to whisk them all away to somewhere else. Inhabitable. Seems really stupid to put any hopes and/or aspirations on Musk. Musk is out of his freaking mind. Oh well, the best laid plans of rich guys and their ridiculous  sycophants. Like Elon Musk. I suppose that Musk could plant the rich fuckers in those Tesla convertibles and launch them aloft. Hmmm...that just might work. Hey that real soon. A move like that just might give the rest of humanity enough time to clean up all the goddamn messes. Okay kids...DARE TO DREAM!!! Now for some Friday machine art. There's always time for machine art. Up to the point where we've run out of time of course.

vista view theater -

down in the valley -

a way back when, Earth Day seemed like a really good idea. then all the Earth Day "friends" got lost in a permeable haze of smoking dope. 😩

Thursday, April 21, 2022

I'll Take WTF For $200 Alex

 Yesterday's post was lame. Enough about that. Today we'll take Jeopardy for the money. I've been following Jeopardy for a very long time. I even thought Alex Trebek was almost like a long lost brother. Anyway, Jeopardy plunges ahead with Ken Jennings as host with Mayim Bialik as the other host. Jennings and Bialik take turns hosting. A strange arrangement to say the least. Anyway one more time, the current Jeopardy champ is a young lady from Canada. She certainly is not a hoser. The young lady's name is Mattea Roach and she is good. Very good. Qualified for the Jeopardy Tournament Of Champions good. She is on a winning streak that is awesome. Todays episode of Jeopardy had Ms. Roach playing 'final' Jeopardy all by herself. I've never ever seen the likes of that on any Jeopardy airing I've been lucky enough to have watched. Ms. Roach won 'final' Jeopardy no problem. Ms. Roach had only herself to beat and she did not. A single player 'final' Jeopardy is a first for me. So... Now we'll move on to a Thursday installment of machine art and that's not even close to final Jeopardy. 

Valley of Fire -

Valley Vista -

I wonder IF our world will ever put some serious kibosh on Vlad Putin? A fair question I'm thinking. I even put the question to President Joe. The President of the United States of America EVEN wrote me back. Damn! Not in my wildest dreams did I think the POTUS would answer a lowlife nobody such as myself. I printed off his letter of course. I'm keeping that one for a dang certainty. 😲

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Not The Last Word...

 Not the last word? Well, we've found a new font to play with. Will this be the last word? Tune in tomorrow and find out. Now for some fancy ass machine art.

onion on display -

steam no heat -

new fonts do not a blog make. however...acting the wiseass can help fill the content gaps. 👻

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Neurodivergent And On A Tuesday...

 Neurodivergent means 'different' in the way mental process processes. Life, the universe, and everything. Non binary transaxial mental assessment. That's all there is to it. Simply more psycho-babble to leave the user of the term feeling superior to everyone. Personally, I prefer the term social divergent. On account of I could care less what anyone thinks about things I say and/or do. Bottomline would be...socially retarded. I am one of those. And on a Tuesday no less. Now for some machine art.

one ugly baby -

the strange case of 'oh no' -

I knew this lady, once upon a time, that had a baby and the baby looked like a potato. the kid was one ugly little spud. there wasn't more than about squat aforementioned lady could do about her baby. 😐

Monday, April 18, 2022

Mick The Mook

 CBS News has hired Mick Mulvaney as a "pundit." Possibly you may remember the 'mook' when the shmoe worked for trump. The 'mook' was trump's chief-of-staff' and then he slithered over to the Office of Management and Budget. It is per usual for trumpians to congregate anywhere there's money. The 'mook' was also deeply involved in the trump's attempted coup d'etat 2021. So why would CBS the news outlet that gave America Walter Cronkite, hire an established traitor and seedy asshole to work for CBS? That could possibly be a good question. CBS doesn't have much to say on the matter. CBS has flipped to the dark side and so much for integrity. That should prove to be enough ominous news for a Monday now that all the Easter bullshit is washed under a bridge. Let us now get down to the really important stuff and proceed to the machine art portion of today's program.

display (saw this in a museum) -

miserable -

CBS had been thinking about hiring trump to be a news anchor BUT, FauxNews wouldn't let trump out of his contract. 😬

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Holey Weak In Dramatic Conclusion

It's all over now...but the crying. Or whatever. The Jesuit Pope will pontificate some Easter blah blah blah. Year after year after year after... Same old is the almost new normal. So let's us pause for an Easter moment and remember... God so loved the world that It (note the gender non binary affiliation or application) gave us all Chevron and Gulf and Dutch Royal Shell and Marathon and Citgo and that ever so blessed 'Energy Corridor' in Houston, Texas. The congregation shall say..."Amen!" Now for the concluding machine art for Easter Sunday April 17, 2022.

onions -

theater possibly absurd -

working mans dead -

if easter were a really big deal, well, the day would be a federal holiday. its not so...there. 🙏

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Holey Weak Continueth With Grate And Wholly Saturday

All these christianized names for days of the week are getting to be tedious and boring. The names almost sound like some NFL football playoff crap. Hmmm...there just might be a connection. Christianity and the NFL, a match made in monetized heaven? Yeah that just might be the long sought after connection. Tomorrow is THE big day. In christianized world anyway. It's all some hypocritical bullshit if you ask me. No one did ask me but that's never stopped me in the past. You see, I'm an "apostate." Back in my seminary days one of my theological instructors hung the 'apostate' designation on my irreverent self and I was alright with it. As far as I'm concerned, ALL christians should fuck off and die. Individually and collectively. Now for machine art!

fusion -

 style -

anonymous -

do 'christians' spend anytime at all following the teachings of Jesus? yes, the question is rhetorical. 😆

Friday, April 15, 2022

Holey Weak - - Paschal Triduum

 Paschal Triduum. Yeah, say that ten times fast. Go ahead...I dare you. Paschal Triduum (in translation for dumb ass Americans that don't understand Classical Latin or are even aware of Classical Latin) means in the common vernacular, the three days between Maundy Thursday to the ever so popular Easter Sunday. I'll bet that's way more than you might have hoped or even cared to know. Good Friday is the almost biggest day between Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. I'm not certain what might be "special" about 'Good Friday' as the selling point for a 'Good Friday' is the crucifixion of Jesus. Wasn't such a 'good day' for him. Not by any stretch. So...IF Jesus was crucified on a Friday and spent three days dead and buried, well, the numbers don't quite add up. Yeah there's a real glaringly large hole in that "gospel" narrative. But don't blame the fuck up on me. I'm not a theological numbers guy. Ask the fantasy believing christians. So and anyway...we're almost at the end of Holey Weak. Easter Sunday will finish things off for certain. So without further adieu or blah blah blah, here comes Good Friday machine art without any crucifying.

fairly tales can come true -

mazing -

if you believe on the machine art, turn circles, and then ask nicely...I'll let you have a copy of any previously posted machine art for a modest sum of whatever you might be able to afford. Or not. 👅

Thursday, April 14, 2022

What Do We Call The Day After...

 The day after Hump Day during Holey Weak would be "Maundy Thursday." 'Maundy' sounds almost like 'moldy' so, make what you might out of that little squiggle of irrelevant data. We'll dive into the meaning and conceptualized notion of 'data' at some future date. Date and not 'data'. In keeping with the canonized plebiscite "Maundy" premise, here's our already prophesied machine art.

mountain of fire -

say...what? -

contemporary whatever -,😜

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Holey Weak Hump Day thought somehow the subject might go away all on it's own? Oh hell no, no way, no way in hell. 😈 Machine art shall continueth onward and for the futuristically foreseeable future. Yeah...what he said. Let's get to it.

float -

fire on a mountain -

steely mann -

after all is said and done...there is not much more to be said...for now. 😱