Thursday, January 7, 2021

Der Tag der zerbrochenen Demokratie!

 Trump has finally managed to get himself inserted into U.S. history books. The president that ruined the American Democratic Republic. Good job you loser son-of-a-bitch. So trump's goons managed to breach the United States Capitol Building and ruin an ordinarily normal day. Well whatever passes for normal in Washington, D.C.. People were killed in America's Capitol and the place was ransacked and raped. The dummies that pulled this stunt will all be readily identifiable by law enforcement and I have no doubt the F.B.I. will get involved in what will surely turn out to be a nationwide manhunt. The stupid freaks will from this day forward be known as 'domestic terrorists'. Hopefully, trump and his court jesters will get to have some down time in Guantanamo. The internment palace is still open and operating for the icky damn terrorists and I can't think of a better place to hold them than Guantanamo. What a display of ignorance by crackers. Stupid fuckers were packing confederate flags and wearing combat battle gear and acting ever so butch. I did find it curious that there were four people killed and media outlets had only made mention of one woman that got killed and media outlets offered up no details. The media concerns are holding off on details until the eleven o'clock broadcasts. The media concerns hold partial responsibility for yesterday's riot. Oh there's plenty of responsibility to go around here. Trump's sycophants, republicans in Congress, Rupert Murdock's Fox News, Chuck Todd, and probably KISS. Yes KISS the clown makeup band. You see, Gene Simmons is a big trump enabler. KISS the band sucks and always has.  Anyway, President-Elect Joe Biden is now two weeks away from being our real President and Kamala Harris WILL be America's first woman Vice President. I find that pretty damn incredible. Madam Vice President will be second in line to be America's President should anything happen to President Biden. God forbid but, there is always that chance and if LBJ were still alive you could ask him. Same would apply to Gerald Ford. Ford is long gone as is Lyndon. Damn if the America back then didn't seem like a kinder and gentler place to hang out. Oh well, done is done and now we're on to machine art and stuff.

stereo in surrealistic sound systems -

impasto impressions in the surreal of course -

that is all for now. peace and out. :]

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