Tuesday, January 19, 2021

assembly required

 I bought a new desk for my birthday which just so happens to be tomorrow. My birthday not the desk. The new desk comes with a rather stark warning...ASSEMBLY REQUIRED! I sort of figured that would be the case as how in hell would the manufacturer fit the desk already assembled inside a box. The desk would need a rather large box and then there would be the shipping incidentals. Anyway, it's off to put together a new desk. I'm planning for most of this day to assembly the desk that requires putting together. Fun city here I come. So this short installment of 'fun with the screwdriver' is brought to you by machine art and stuff. You can't buy the machine art anywhere and not even on Amazon so, you have to ask. Here we go...

little princess -

isn't she lovely -

okay and so for now fare ye all well. it's off to assembly time. oh we'll have us some fun for sure. :|

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