Saturday, December 26, 2020

the day after

 "All of life is a dream walking. All of death is going home."... Dawanjir proverb

well and I could suppose we've (speaking editorially of course) survived another christmas. yippee! now we'll slide into New Year's Day and that should be the end of 2020 with the possible exception of the world will still have the trump hanging around like the dead albatross the man is in fact. I may have possibly mentioned this previously, trump is an asshole. a consummate asshole. yeah like nobody had that figured out before. 

there was an article in the New Yorker magazine and I think that's about close enough, that made a point of prodding trump junior and that would be pence the veep, into declaring trump insane and then invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution subsection 4 (maybe that's the one). breath inserted here. and then pence delivers the declaration to Congress and the Congress breathes a sigh of relief and trump gets his sorry ass escorted out of the White House and done is done. hang on a second while I go find a link to the article... I'm back. I nailed it and the link is right about here -

informative little article and almost encouraging. IF pence has the cojones to actually do such a brave and noble gesture for America. I have my doubts about pence. he's seems more than milk toasty and certainly lacks a spine of any sort. but the New Yorker magazine article is brave and noble and encouraging if not a bit of fantasy and almost science fiction. at least there are people out there that are giving such a notion some real consideration. I'm thinking that not even pence's "savior" could convince pence that he should grow a spine and man up. oh well, what are you gonna do...

machine art and stuff ...

lighthouse on a surreal morning -

full on bull bison -

a bull bison is one large as in really fucking large animal. you would want to give one a wide berth. :]

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