Thursday, December 3, 2020

bat crap crazy

 so el trumpo is back in action again. yesterday america's freak-in-chief aired a video that evidently, was recorded on November 26, 2020. the video was just a mite outdated. anyway, the dumb ass went on for about 45 minutes ranting about alleged grievances and other slights to his ego and made absolutely no sense whatsoever. it has been evident for quite sometime now that trump is out of his freaking mind. we all know that. even his "supporters and closest allies" know that trump has lost it. as in gone bat crap crazy if not psychiatrically insane. the sorry man needs a good nut house to relax in for a while. amerika is going to have to give the go-ahead to Navy Seal Team Six to assault the White House and physically remove president crazy as a march hare from the aforementioned White House and then dispose of his body in Guantanamo. remember Guantanamo? that quaint little detention camp located around the southeast corner of Cuba and loving known as 'Gitmo'. amerika couldn't find a better place for trump than right about there. trump could get cozy with all the al Qaida kids that amerika has kept locked up without due legal process since about the days following 9/11/01. trump could find simpatico with the detainees. you see, trump claims to have been denied his legal process with maniac ravings about fraud and theft and goofy crap like that there. anyway, it's almost to Friday and maybe el trumpo can spend the weekend at one of his golf courses. hiding out from the inevitable and reality. on to the really important stuff. experimental machine art.

surreal glyphicism -

a road home from nowhere -

tune back in tomorrow for that ever so familiar Friday chant... :]

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