Thursday, July 15, 2021

Break Out The Life Boats Adolf

 Western Europe is getting drenched with "severe thunderstorms and flash flooding." Lucky them. So much rain in fact that Andreas von Weatherdudette (she's a German weather person) maintains that "Germany has not seen this kind of flooding in over one hundred years." So to be able to get a sense of how much rain has fallen, the German province of Rhineland-Palestine received 207 mm of rain in 24 hours. Sounds like a real gully washer. By the way, 207 mm of rain is exactly 8.15 inches. I really don't care for 'metrics'. Nope. Metrics tends to make measuring sound larger or deeper than it really might be in English. However, 8.15 inches of rain in 24 hours is a dang river full of rain. Wet oh yeah wet for days. Maybe the Germans might offload about half of that rain and send it over here where we could use some of that torrential rain water. So German cars, houses, cows, beer stands, roads, and people were washed away and washed out to the North Sea. It's not just Germany that's getting pelted with horrific rainfall, nope. Belgium, France, and the vast kingdom of Luxemberger are underwater and drowning. On top of all that, it's been freaking hot. Europe tends to be a might humid on a July summer day so add flooding on top of all that metrically measured heat and just about all of northwestern Europe has the prickly heat something awful. I wonder if the Germans have to worry about snakes when it rains and then floods. Hmmm, I really don't know. Or really care. Not so much. It's Europe and Germany for hell sakes. I don't go there. To Europe. Nope. The Euro-fuckers kicked my people out of Europe a long time ago so, good luck kids you'll need it. Well that and rubber boats. You know cause rubber boats will float. Usually. Anyway, CNN had a photag of some guy sloshing down a flooded German street and guy was up to his arm pits in flood water and there's detritus and shit floating all over the top of the water. Dang that has so got to suck. Sloshing around in flood waters up to your armpits and you just might not make it to high ground on account of getting tagged with some floaty crap or some other floaty crap and you are a goner. Pity that... so it's up against the wall in floaty crap mother... that's some lyrics from a 1970's pop hit. I of course altered the lyrics just a snidge. I can do that. Onward to today's installment of CGI machine art. Oh yeah -

bridge over flooded Madison County -

vineyard without flood water -

I wonder if'n all the flooding will cancel Germany's Oktober Fest? not that I'll be there no way... 😩 see? I found the emoji button. emoji, who came up with that silly name...👃

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