Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Speaker Of The House Kevin McCarthy Sucks...

 Speaker McCarthy insists that the House of Representatives is going to take up a hearing on impeaching President Joe. McCarthy might want to rethink any decision to impeach President Biden. McCarthy is struggling to find something... anything that might get the House off the hook for numerous gaffs and missteps by the republicans that McCarthy is allegedly in control of. With climate change now a clear and present danger to our entire Planet, well, Speaker fish-guts McCarthy is in a cold panic. Awww jeepers if'n that ain't too tough noogies for old fish-guts. America's Congress is a pathetic hodge podge of insurrectionists, treasonous freaks, knuckle dragging retards, and straight up assholes. Damn if McCarthy isn't about a dickless meat sack that needs to go out with Friday's trash. Hump Day machine art is up right about now.

oasis -

smoke -

down and not honorably -

Saturn -

spiral no jetty -

lost... it's an old standard from way back in the day -

I'm exhausted by the insipid political bullshit that has America's government trapped with no hope of escape. 😐

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