Saturday, July 22, 2023


 July 22, 2023 AND the freaking hot local atmospheric condition continues to be...HOT! A way out here in northeast Mojave Desert we hit a glorious 117 degrees Fahrenheit with a 1% humidity index. We've not seen hide nor hair of an annual monsoon. Maybe the annual monsoon will show up later. Maybe... So we'll stay indoors, mostly. Venturing outside is an arduous endeavor to be avoided. Hot. Too hot. Too damn hot. Ain't not a thing can be done about that. So in keeping with the trendy and prevailing sentiment, stay inside and play with the software. Now it's time for Saturday machine art.

trayvon -

squintz -

wizened -

campus photo op -

orca morphology -

globe -

there is one positive about the intensity of the sun at only takes about 5 minutes to get a fairly nice sun tan. anymore time in the sun you run the risk of ending up looking like a raisin. a raisin in the sun. get it? that's a literary funny. 😎

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