Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Papal WishyWashy

 Pope Francis the Spineless says and I'm quoting his wholey-ness here..."Russia's war on Ukraine was somehow provoked." Oh yes his popeness said that oh yes he did. Leave it to the Papacy to squirm out of anything close to human empathy. So one could suppose that Russia's war on Ukraine has the papal imprimatur. What an unholy dick. You would think that a Pope would come out as antiwar without conditions. Nope not the Pope. So...the Pope is a lame ass dope. Simple as that. 

Here's machine art to celebrate Day of the Camel.

eyed -

bookend -

toad the pocket sprocket -

how many more times -

so if'n you start a war in somewhere that a Pope doesn't give a shit's okey dokey. 😲

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