Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Mites That Live And Breed

 On your face! Not only that but the buggers crap on your face. I found an article on Gizmodo's webpage and here's a link -

Sounds worlds of disgusting no doubt. Little itty bitty bugs live and breed and do their business all the while nestled comfy cozy on the human face. Every last human breathing and wandering around this Island Earth. BUGS! ON YOUR FACE! How in hell is one supposed to wash mite crap off one's face? On an additional line of the Gizmodo article, the little fuckers are having sex while on your face. Mite crap, mite jizz, and then they die. On your face! This news totally changes how I intend to wash my face each and every morning. I'm thinking that it might be an entirely good idea to wash the old kisser more than once a day. At least. Dang...I had not ever not never considered freaking mites crawling around on my face. Yuck... Machine art is next up for a Camels Day and ain't not about a dang thing can be done about mites taking up squatting on your mug. 

radio -

radio II -

she's idea -

perspective -

I suppose having parasites/bugs living on your face might not be so bad...we could all be living in Texas and holy crap...that'd really suck! 💩

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