Serious winter has now descended on Amerika and considering that this current weather freeze is straight out of the Arctic well, people are going to freeze their sit-downs off and they will have some trouble dawning enough clothing to keep themselves warm. Well slightly above the freezing to death syndrome. There will most certainly be people frozen to death that will be discovered sometime later when spring finally breaks that icy cold grip on our land and the bodies start to stink. That will mostly affect the homeless populations and that's perfectly acceptable to any number of our fellow citizens. Including trump. In other news, today marks the 32nd year of my life that is clean and sober. Yes there was a time in my life when I was an absolute waste of humanity, an asshole junkie, and wholly without a thought about anyone other than myself and where I could get my next fix. That was then and now all that bullshit is personal history. Now for Monday machine art.
glass 1 -
glass 2 -
glass 3 -
pop 4 -
manglo -
gig -
9 -
mural 1 -
freezing dang cold, not here anyway, trump day in congress, and gosh if stuff isn't about getting better by the dang minute ... 😐
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