Wednesday, January 29, 2025

El Presidente Freeze

 El presidente has been at the business of fucking up Amerikan government and global affairs for a week now and ... in usual trump fashion, he's managed to piss off the EU and the EU has indicated they are ready for a fight with trump and by extension the U.S.. Canada and Mexico have followed suit and informed el presidente that he can fuck off and that message was delivered in diplo-speak. The usual barrage of lawsuits are ginning up at present and any number of states are joining up with the lawsuit barrage and that's about right for trump. El presidente has issued an "executive order" that freezes all funding for just about everything and anything that the federal government gives money to the states for. Lawsuits filed and judicial blocks are in the works.The boy Secretary of State following trump dictates has insulted diplomats within the EU and Amerika's relations with friends and allies are on the fritz. The boy Secretary of State is one Marcia Rubio and Rubio is an especially limpdick and spineless piece of work. So with one week done in regime two trump and the world is on the verge of war with Amerika and I'm not certain that Amerikans actually voted for a trump war that is not winnable. So one week's bullshit is just the beginning and now we'll join up with Wednesday machine art and someone be kind enough to cue the camel. 

blue #2 -

library -

wash -

decor -

virgin #3 -

virgin #4 -

curio -

anchor #4 -

so if we do the math and counting the damage caused in one week times that by oh say the exponential equivalent of the remaining term of trump and gosh ... by year three of trump, our world will be at nuclear war and all bets will be off no doubt. 😐

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