Saturday, January 18, 2025

Calm Before A Brewing Storm

 With today being Saturday, the NFL playoffs get down to serious body bashing business which will culminate in two teams left standing to play in the Super Bowl of Bone Breaking Football. (caps are my doing as would be the sarcasm) Acronym for the football mavens would be SBBBF. Ah the good old days when football was actually enjoyable and the game was played start to finish with minimal interruptions. These days the game is all about money and how much more money can be squeezed out of the fans. Thank Roger Goodell for that obscenity. Goodell is the commissioner of the NFL. Commissioner, CEO, CFO, and Shameless Crook. Amerika is all about money. From the incoming reichsfuhrer trump, members of both houses of congress, Amerika's supreme court, corporate super structure, and anyone else that stands to gain from all the fraudulent bullshit that defines daily Amerika. Damn if'n it ain't about good to be Amerikan. So long as you're upper crust and not one of the lowly ass out working folk or those even worse off than the lowly ass out working folk and that would of course be the homeless destitute people that are best considered out of sight out of mind. All the now homeless and ass out people of Los Angeles' burned out areas shall be added to the fuck you list at 1:00 pm EST after reichsfuhrer trump is sworn in as the Amerikan version of Round Two Hitler and so it goes. Happy days will not be happening again any time soon. Now for Saturday machine art.

points -

conjure -

kvetch -

brew -

jumble -

babylon -

whee -

whimsy -

I suppose there's little chance we'll get to see the reichsfuhrer trump assassinated in Office. the dumb ass secret service guy that pulled on trump in the Pennsylvania assassination attempt has been named by trump to head the secret service. coincidence? not very dang likely ... 😐

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