Friday, January 3, 2025

Seems Calm ... Sort Of

 Third day in January 2025 and there seems a modicum of calm has fallen on coast to coast Amerika. Seems so anyway. However, we've still got to get through a weekend of football - college and professional, basketball - college and professional, and hockey - college and professional so as long as domestic squabbles don't get out of hand and alcohol consumption is kept to a respectable quantity, well, Amerika might have a bit of a breather and the carnage might cease for a day or so. Maybe ... Now if someone could get trump to shut the fuck up, that could very well be a good thing. Now for Friday machine art. Let us keep fingers crossed and hope for a break.

panics -

saving -

dunes -

distant -

mastery -

cheeky -

ecology -

ecologs -

so our Amerika has about two plus weeks left before asshole du jour assumes his reign of government controls. we'll get to see how far trumpy is willing to push that "presidential immunity." 😐

Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Year's Grieve

 N'allLeans New Year's Eve and a night of living terror. Dumb fucker plows truck into revelers on Bourbon Street, commences a shootout with police, meanwhile asshole's accomplices are busy planting improvised explosive devices around N'allLeans, asshole gets his ass shot dead in shootout BUT a number of revelers are wounded by truck and the gunfire at the finale of this bullshit episode in 'happy holiday spirit' and there you go. Luckily none of the IED's get detonated and that is small relief when measured against the loss of life and carnage wrought on partiers that were just out for a good time. Not this time. So 2025 is off to a bang up start and shit will go down hill from this point on. You could almost figure that goddamn jihadis were behind this episode in murderous madness. So it's on again and N'allLeans is set to host a plethora of "events" coming up rather soon and possibly too fucking soon for law enforcement folk that are in charge of keeping citizenry safe and out of harm. I'm not certain that such a pipe dream can be attained in these days of humanity's discontent. At last count there are 10 confirmed dead and that doesn't count the dickwad that created this episode of human mayhem. 34 souls wounded and are in hospital with varying types of injuries. That number including the body count might change upward and time will tell (morning January 2 body count is 15). Damn this certainly puts a damper on New Years 2025. Now Thursday machine art and please know that everyone damaged in this latest episode of human insanity are being thought of and kindly so. For all y'alls.

squig -

trio -

shaman -

faces -

frank n -

dope -

beaver -

board -

I find there's very little hope left for humanity. given the wars, human hatred, war criminality, demise of democratic ideals, and all the in general bullshit emitted by humans on a daily basis, we humans as a species aren't long for this world. that is probably for the best. 😐

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Dust Up @ Trump Corral

 Elong Musk is stirring a hornets nest in trump-land. H1B visas are a target of trump and his desire to host a pogrom in our Amerika and "root out" immigrants, migrants, and icky dang peoples of all persuasions. H1B visas allow techie types that the muskrat likes to hire to do the work that musk takes credit for and IF the maga types get their way, well, those techie types won't get to live and work in our Amerika and musk will be ass out. Ass out of all the crap-o-la that musk takes credit for. You see in our Amerika there isn't enough brain power to fuel that high tech plunge into our future. Ergo musk makes serious bank using that "immigrant brain power" and as of recently he, musk, has convinced trump to make allowance for those H1B brainiacs. That little faux pas has incensed prominent maga types the likes of stevey 'convict' bannon, and maga sympathizers ensconced in Congress. Think Senator Queeny Lindsey. The trump-meister insists that he, trump, has been in favor of the H1B visas all along which is of course bullshit. Musk on the other hand has put the maga types on notice that "he, musk, will wage a war the likes of which maga types have never conceived possible." Ewww ... threats and counter threats and dang if'n we're not about to witness the unraveling of trump-meister dreams for Amerika and global domination. This present turn of events and thieving among thieves will be sheer joy to watch. Now for humpday and Wednesday machine art. Oh yes and happy new year someone please cue the camel.

Mojave -

mister -

trips -

raven 1 -

raven 2 -

tank 1 -

tank 3 -

manjo -

could be the next disaster to hit trump-land would be the trump bitch melanoma will go public with her demands for a divorce. oh damn ... be still my beating ... karma? 😐