Friday, January 17, 2025

Help Is Not On The Way

 There's no relief coming to 'we the people' so get ready for trump. There will be no mitigating circumstances, no last minute legal brief filed, no hope on the horizon. Monday brings the coronation of Herr Trump and it's on. The end of Amerika's form of democratic republic will die a lonely death and the onus is on the fools that were too goddamned stupid to vote or if they did vote, well, they voted for trump. Pity no doubt. Well maybe not so much a pity as karma. Karma for all the hypocrisy, war crimes, crimes against global humanity, and climate whiplash. 'Climate whiplash' is the newest catch phraseology to place a handle on the demise of humanity's comfort zone. The 'climate comfort zone' is where on Earth people can survive without need of ancillary equipment to enable existence. The beginning of a second round of trump will do our Planet no good whatsoever. Oh well ... we had us a nice run. Now for Friday machine art. Enjoy while you still can.

vessel -

suffers -

tatt 1 -

wheel -

stearns -

mosito -

big nose -

glyph -

I find it curious how our congress has rolled over and allowed trump to pee on our elected senators and representative. maybe more shameful than anything else. 😐

Thursday, January 16, 2025

With Conditions ...

 The United States Senate is considering an aid package for Southern California, specifically Los Angeles on account of the wildfires burning through L.A., BUT the aid package should come with conditions. I'm not certain what "conditions" would mean and if left to our own designs, well, that aid package will come with so many goddamned caveats that Los Angeles would do well to inform the strictly partisan United States Senate to kindly fuck off and die. Take to the global sites that Los Angeles does business with on any given day and see what the Angelinos can come up with. "Conditions" NEVER fucking apply to states like Florida, Louisiana, Texas, or states in tornado alley after some manner of disaster or another ... NEVER!!! So it seems a damnable national disgrace that the United States Senate would want to play politics, partisan politics, with disaster aid for Los Angeles. California may want to consider withholding tax monies owed the national Treasury until California's "conditions" are met. Sauce for a goose by god. Now for Thursday machine art with NO conditions other than having a look see.

fill -

fold -

mary -

pabolito -

wife -

married -

with dogs -

sitting -

if the federal government is going to start micro-bitching assistance to every state that has some kind of natural or otherwise disaster, people are going to be ass out and partisan politics will take an ugly turn that this barely holding together nation should do without. 😐

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 With an upcoming birthday and one that I thought I would never make, I'm addressing several issues that have plagued me for ... well ... life. I am the bastard son of a son of a bitch. You see and the way my familial connections figure, I got my mom pregnant to annoy my old man and fuck up his life. Same applies with my mother. I got my mom pregnant to annoy my old man and fuck up my mom's life. Problem with my telling this oh so familiar tale of post war Amerika, there are NO relatives left alive to check with to get their spin on my account. So ... a reader will have to take my word for all (any?) of this. My old man was a 'player' and my mom fell for that and as a story that's as old as human existence goes, here I am now oh so many years later and lives later and I'm still here and the remainder of an Amerikan tale of fornication, horror, war horror, and lust in the dust is the prototypical tale of just about any Amerikan boomer child born in the wake of World War II the really big war. So much death with alcohol fueled post traumatic stress disorder and growing up in post war 1950's Amerika living the suburbanite dream. I'm going to reveal more sordid tales of boomer existential bullshit when the big birthday actually arrives. Won't be long now ... mere days away. Now for Wednesday machine art and won't someone be kind enough to cue the camel.

laddy -

breck -

citrus -

biodome -

french -

chorus -

flash -

watch -

when measuring the length of existence all the good times, bad times, all the while life is one day at a time. go figure ... life happens at the speed of ... damn ... if life doesn't go by lightning quick. 😏

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

5 4 3 2 1 ... Oh Shit

 With today being Tuesday January 14, 2025 that leaves a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and then ... and then ... oh shit here comes the thug. That's right Dementia J Trump's big day and ascendence to the Amerikan throne, No not a commode. Although if you think about it, Dementia probably spends an inordinate amount of time on the toilet. He's certainly not above selling Amerika down the toilet. Vlad the Putin got his access and slice of our Amerika fairly cheap. All Putin had to do was keep quiet about Dementia's playtime with Russian hookers. There's a damn disgusting image no doubt. I saw an article on the web today about smoking dope in Texas. Evidently some dang fine smoking dope can be had there. Texas smoking dope probably helps take the edge off of the Texas governor and Teddy Cruzer one of the senators for Texas. It is rumored that Cruzer likes to smell little girls bicycle seats. Fucking republicans are a creepy bunch no doubt. Now for Tuesday machine art.

ralph -

jung 1 -

jung again -

ruprt -

inaugural -

twin -

slice -

existing -

with Amerika coming under the spell of trump ... again ... we are certainly in for some damn screwy times ... 😐

Monday, January 13, 2025

Weekend Update

 I personally ganked this image from the CBS News page. Damn shameful of me no doubt. Yeah ... whatever -

I always thought that Atlanta would get burned to the ground ... again. But no, it's Los Angeles. Some pundit guy claims we are seeing "climate whiplash." Sure sure "whiplash ..." One of the more glaring issues facing 21st century world is an alarming number of braindead morons thinking they're all shit-to-ding intelligent and the reality is far from the visible. Now for Monday machine art.

toons 3 -

jet age -

fashion -

mirror -

mesca -

see me -

desire -

wheel -

one week from today these United States of Amerika will anoint Dementia J Chump as precident. get out there and enjoy the little time that remains for all of us to live free. 😐

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Crime And No Punishment

 Amerikans no longer need to worry about the long arm of the law. While Amerika still has "law" on the books, there is no longer any consequences for breaking law and so it goes. If the President of these United States of Amerika can do as he pleases breaking law, order, and simple human decency well, it's perfectly acceptable for any Amerikan to act and do likewise. I suppose Amerika can thank the Supreme Court for "freeing all Amerikans" from the consequences of breaking Amerikan law and now comes the time of free wheeling deluxe. Get on out there and do as you please. Cheat, lie, steal, murder, and of course that ever so popular mayhem is now open for exploitation so if'n trump can pull that manner of bullshit, any American can pull that manner of bullshit and here we are. The Golden Age of Bullshit and Frivolity. We are all of us of course, screwed. Now for Sunday machine art.

cluster -

cahbon -

mini -

nista -

globes -

spy -

ephemeral -

I think it fairly obvious that Amerika's best days are now behind us. an evil darkness falls over our land like a satanic blanket and hold on to your butts as ... this will get really ugly real fast ... 😐

* - I certainly got the NFL playoff broadcasts wrong ever so wrong. ABC/ESPN will broadcast a Monday night playoff game and well ... damn If I didn't fuck that up or what ... 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Contempt of ... Amerika?

 Rudy Giuliani former mayor of New York City is held in contempt of court. By a federal court judge I do believe. I have not heard if mr. mayor is in jail. The stupid freak should be but that's just me. Amerika's Felon-In-Chief, one trump, is convicted of 34 felony counts of hush money payments and lying about the payments. Amerika's First Felon is inaugurated on January 20, 2025. The trump bitch melonia has had her payday ticket punched by Bezos the bald to the tune of $60 million dollars. Bezos the bald is going to have Amazon de-movie works gin up a "documentary" about the stupid cow. Oh yes and that $60 million dollars is melonia's alone and now she's got her bank and she shall probably give trump the heave ho. Well ... what a bright shiny day for Amerika. Today starts the NFL playoffs and there is that if you've a mind to watch. ESPN and ABC get to air this first round of wildcard contestants. So how about a little Saturday machine art ... ?

housing -

head up -

moira -

trans p -

null -

seesaw -

consider -

thinker -

being 25 years into the 21st century and there are any number of us that are existentially null and void ... bummer no doubt 😐