Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Machine Art Tuesday

 Tuesday's posting and none too soon.

eyeing -

mimic -

kodak -

chamber -

format -

footstep -

exactly 3 weeks until that first Tuesday in November ... spooky 😐

Monday, October 14, 2024

Machine Art Monday

 Yes it's Monday. Here's today's machine art posting ...

cameo -

cameow -

bonanza -

trips -

discover -

realize -

not a thing to say ... what's the point? 😕

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Nice Things ... ?

 Canada, DuhMerica's neighbor to the north, is preparing to give Canadians vexed with diabetes 1 and 2 lifetime support with medications and the like for free. No cost for insulin, injection pharmaceuticals for type 2 diabetes, metformin, and all of it will not cost Canadians any money whatsoever. Now it is a given that Canada has some really odd money. Bills and coins. Now if any DuhMerican happens to be in Canada, well, Canadians will take your USD's but you'll get Canadian currency back as change. I've always found that not really very cute. Canadians do receive some rather fine and cutting edge medicine and pharmaceutical delights that cost Canadians not very much. Go figure. Here in DuhMerica we can't have nice things like that on account of trump. Yup, besides all the high crimes, misdemeanors, and treason pulled by trump, the reason we can't have any nice things is solely the fault of Mr. Golden Showers. You see trump likes to get peed on by Russian hookers. Kind of twisted no doubt. Now for that Sunday machine art.

broken -

lensing -

diego -

paints -

bullet -

rivera -

timely -

visuals -

did you know that those ever so icky apostolic evangelical christians have taken to wearing brown shirts and brown arm bands? the freaks want the world to know their preference for localized government. 😐

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Recovery Works?

 Hurricane Milton made the sweep over Florida and Hurricane Milton wasn't as "dangerous" as predicted by the weather kids and dick head DeSantis. However, Hurricane Milton did knock out about all the power in Florida, not the entire state, and folks are still without power. A sweaty dang nightmare no doubt. The important places in Florida have all their power restored and that's because all the Florida money comes from Disney World and Orlando Magic Shitshelter and baseball and football and regular inhabitants of Florida will just have to wait. You see the regular folk of Florida don't do more than about sweat and that's not very important at all. That's how things work in Florida and I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to live there. Now for Saturday machine art.

stasis -

signature -

formal -

nude -

alone -

melted -

road 2 -

invite -

a local Mojave Desert slice of comedy ... sam brown's face is melted rather ugly ... it's funny because it's true ... 😏

Friday, October 11, 2024

So It's Friday, Let Treason Ring

 Yes Friends, the continuing saga of trump and his collusion, incitement to riot, sedition, and of course that ever popular high treason is making headline news once again. You see back when the Covid-19 horror had a cold hard grip on the testicles of our world, trump was making sure that Vlad Putin, the butcher of Ukraine, had enough American made Covid-19 test kits to keep Putin, his immediate family, and close associates tested and stamped clean and free off the Covid-19 and that came at the expense of Americans that weren't able to obtain Covid-19 test kits that might have possibly sparred American lives. Yes isn't trump simply a peach of an DuhMerican guy? Ummm ... possibly I overstate trump's true position in the annals of DuhMerican legend. Yes my friends, DuhMerica can shine that beacon of liberty for all the world to see the sheer scale of vulgar hypocrisy that is ... DuhMerica. Now we'll move it on over to Friday machine art and with any luck at all, trump will cack before November elections and that will surely be a blessing for our world.

gotham -

oaken -

somewhere a village is missing their idiot -

chaos -

start -

face on -

face off -

odyssey -

trump is an asshole and that much is an established FACT. the Kremlin confirmed the reports about trump sending Covid test kits to Putin. the fat treasonous fuck needs to be stood in front of a military firing squad and shot dead. stand the freak up and shoot him again ... 😎

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hostage In Paris

 So and evidently there's a tv show on that has incensed Emmanuel Macron, he's some French important guy, Macron is planning to hold some woman named Emily as hostage. You see, Emily is a character in a television program and why she should incense Macron to a point where the taking and holding of hostages becomes the business of a world leader. (FYI- Netanyahu and Putin are excluded from the world leader category) Macron is el Presidente of France. Gosh, go figure. So and bottom line here would be the tv program, Emily In Paris, from time to time showcases Macron's wife. That all by itself should explain a lot as to why Macron has his French boxers in a bunch. Macron has indicated that he is ready to go to war to keep Emily in Paris. The Emily In Paris show is moving to Italy. Dang if'n that doesn't about sound ominous. Going to war over a tv program? Well I suppose there are even more stupid reasons to go to war ... however, not a dang thing comes to mind. Well there is that cutting a hole in a fence motif. I have to wonder if Macron isn't taking advise from trump. You see ... trump would do something as stupid as this. Go to war over a tv show ... judas ... what the hell comes next? Oh wait, I know what comes next ... Thursday machine art. How's that for a transition. :}

narrative -

granny -

top -

party -

lounge -

cinder -

subtle -

wavy -

should Macron decide to actually go to war over a tv show, he's gonna need to quit sending weaponry to Israel. murderous dang Israelis are using up weaponry like crazy. hmmm ... proves the premise that Israelis are nuts. 😐

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

NFL Football Fallacies

 The New York Football Jets have "fired their head coach Robert Saleh." Saleh was unable to "deliver glory" to those NFL New York Football Jets. Saleh being the head coach had to get the ax. You see, the New York Football Jets have been out of that ever so elusive "football glory" for a very long time and rather than "fire" the actual cause of Jets Football agony, that would be one quarterback Aaron Rogers, the Jets fired their head coach. That's how it always works in the ever so corrupt NFL. That would be the National Football League under the commissar tutelage of one Roger Goodell. Goodell is an evil piece of work and worships before the altar of football profitability. Football profitability is the single most important issue before all of America and hence the highly deserved moniker of 'DuhMerica'. Professional football is really about gladiatorial slavery and human brutality that rivals Roman gladiatorial slaughter and transcends that illusion by way of "television rights." We are back to that profitability motif once again. So the New York Football Jets ponied up a mountain of guaranteed money to steal and sign one Aaron Rogers to play quarterback for those Jets and Rogers failed to keep his end of that guaranteed money bargain and was "injured" in his first start for those Jets in 2023 and missed an entire year healing and then and then ... football 2024 commences and Rogers is a no show at the quarterback position and Saleh gets fired on account of Rogers is washed up as a quarterback. Such professional football drama gives DuhMerica absolute chills and thrills and screaming angst the likes that would give Sigmond Freud a hard on. Rogers the failing New York Jets multi-million dollar quarterback is smiling today as, he Rogers, is not taking the blame nor shame for Jets football losing ways. Highly paid and lavished with fame pro football quarterbacks rarely take the blame for failure. That's what NFL head coaches are for. Now for Wednesday machine art and someone be good enough to cue the camel.

player -

tempo -

snowy -

black -

pastime -

prestige -

tanker -

monster -

sacrificial lambs are the way of our world. those that should be held to account for whatever sin crops up, are rarely if ever held to account, trump would make for our powerpoint presentation on never being held to account. trump is for all intents and purposes, one insufferable and grotesquely fat prick. 😐