Monday, December 9, 2024

Russia The Sanctuary State

 The now ex-dictator Bashar al-Assad (al-Asshat) is comfy cozy in Moscow and that would be Russia. Russia is hosting any number of assholes and war criminal pricks and/or tyrants. Russia hosts Steven Seagal (a kung fu nobody), some French guy name of Depardieu, Tucker Carlson, and any number of lesser luminaries that find the mono-political atmosphere in Russia preferable to living somewhere that finds freedom and liberty a life affirming necessity. Hmmm ... that could very easily describe the next four years in Amerika. Bashar might find Russia a far cry from the luxury of being dictator in Syria. One of the first things the Syrian insurgents did was open the prisons that al-Assad had in abundance and free all those illegally detained by the al-Assad regime. I wonder if Amerika can expect something as noble as that come the end of a trump regime ... I suppose we'll find out way later on. Now for Monday machine art.

drive -

hits -

soul -

seeing -

struck -

savier -

message -

canyon -

no one should be surprised that al-asshat is in russia ... russia has been fighting al-asshat's civil war since just about day one of the "arab spring" ... so it goes ... 😐

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