Our future and soon to be Der Fuhrer trump announced he's had a come to Jesus moment and it turns out that trump has come to Catholic Jesus. Yup. Good for trump. Bad for unvangelicals wherever. Der Fuhrer is planning to attend the "grand opening" of the refurbished Cathedral Notre Dame. Der Fuhrer will dip himself a vial (or possibly a quart Mason jar) full of Notre Dame holy water and pack that holy water back home for sale at a later date. Der Fuhrer will send his regards to the Holy See and inform the Popeness that should he, the Pope, decide to sell the Vatican, Der Fuhrer will make him an offer that can't be refused. Der Fuhrer will also meet with President Macron provided that Macron and France still have a functioning government. South Korea went in the tank so it might not be much longer and France will do the same. There's troubles ahead kids and also Wednesday machine art. Please cue the camel.
reds 4 -
ahschwiz -
imitate -
jelly -
vendetta -
trump -
diva -
botox -
did you know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? well it is. 😐
(accept no substitutes)
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