Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Hack The Money

 According to a "news release" from the United States Treasury Department, the Treasury was "hacked by Chinese State Sponsored Hackers" and nothing of 'importance' was hacked. Say ... what? Treasury acknowledged that they had indeed been hacked and hacked by "Chinese State Sponsored Hackers" HOWEVER there's nothing to worry about so go about your business and move it along as there's nothing to see here, and your, meaning Amerika's, money is fine. Of course if you take into account the United States National Debt, Amerikan money isn't worth a piss anyway. You can of course use your charge card and credit cards are THE currency of the realm these days so there you go. Hacked by Chinese State Sponsored Hackers ... seems almost funny if the entire episode wasn't so goddamn serious. Neither trump nor mini-trump had anything to say regarding Chinese hackers. Oh yes and, mini-trump would be elong muskrat. Did you know that good old muskrat is too amazingly wealthy to be corrupt? Well that is the case according to the Governor of New Hampshire. That would be some political asshat name of sununu. I'm of the opinion that someone name of 'sununu' is probably a migrant and more than likely came to our Amerika illegally. Bastard illegal migrants anyway. Now for Tuesday and New Year's Eve machine art. Tomorrow brings us 2025. Spooky no doubt ...

dialog -

alter 1 -

alter 3 -

1 heart -

act 1 -

point -

embryo -

yellow hawk -

with reassurances coming from Treasury, it leaves me wondering what those Chinese hackers got into. seems suspicious as all get out ... 😐

Monday, December 30, 2024

Rest In Peace Mr. Jimmy

 America's oldest ever surviving President is no more. President Jimmy Carter has succumbed to age, 100 years old, and follows his wife Rosalynn into that great beyond. President Carter was a man of principle and these days that says much. With the possible exception of President Barack Obama, American presidents are a sad and shameful collection of war criminals, liars, rapists, and fuck ups extraordinaire. What was once upon a time ... now for Monday machine art.

quetzl 1 -

quetzl 3 -

fresco -

aztec 2 -

cultist -

cpac -

it seems glaringly obvious that Amerika has lost all sense of decency and honorable behavior and especially so for national politicians. we'll use trump as the poster child for asshole politicians. trump is a convicted rapist, fraudster, treasonous freak, and one damn ugly human being. 😐

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Wishy Washy Flip Flop Trump

 The current dust up over immigration, immigrants, migrants, and the illegals of all persuasions is now being revisited by trump (at the urging of musk of course) and all the bullshit ramblings of trump prior to his 're-election' are now null and he, trump, never said what he said and if he did say what he said that's not what he, trump, meant to say. Say ... what ... ? You see the elong musk is trump's rasputin and there shall be NO anti-musk/rasputin disparaging nor disparaging of the actual rasputin who is in fact, vladimir putin, You see ...? I fully understand this is all very confusing and any time trump/musk/putin get close to anything that may in fact be construed as coherent, well, it is not either. Ithere? Four more years of chaos, confusion, and trump having to wear adult diapers to Cabinet meetings. Damn if'n we don't have some hysterically funny shit to look forward to ... now for the Sunday machine art and don't forget to say your prayers before you retire for the evening. Humanity is going to need all the help that might or might not be found in heaven or on earth. Whatever ...

happens -

rexall -

shop -

capped -

rise -

1 -

page -

quiet -

I hope the US military has enough sense to keep trump away from that "nuclear football" the military always has on hand for 'Mr. President' just in case ... you know, in case our Amerika stumbles into a nuclear exchange on account of the sitting Ameikan president is mentally out to lunch ... 😐

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Peace On Earth ... However

 Post Xmas angst has taken hold across Amerika and people are going straight up batshit insane. An explosion at a chicken processing plant in Georgia killed a woman employee and several more workers were injured with a significant number of workers having to clean themselves up after being covered in chicken parts and guts. After all ... parts is parts. There was also a fire and a number of chickens were roasted and the processing plant indicated that the cooked chicken would be salvaged and sold as pre-cooked chicken. None for me thank you. Meanwhile in Florida a woman being served a pizza delivery was stabbed to death by the delivery guy on account of the woman's tip to delivery guy was inadequate and the delivery guy went apeshit and stabbed the young woman to death. The dead woman was also pregnant. Damn ... So as our Amerika loses it's goddamn mind in preparation for the transition to the pending trump reign, well, just wait and see how nuts things will become with the induction of trump to begin the thousand year reign of the master race. Now for Saturday machine art.

afghan 1 -

afghan 3 -

boys -

lucid -

munk -

bowl 4 -

quixote -

maud 2 -

on a wholly unrelated news blurb, Pakistan has taken to bombing Taliban sites in Afghanistan. according to the blurb, Pakistan was "targeting" Taliban terrorists. the blurb gave no indication how in hell Pakistan was able to tell the terrorists apart from just regular Afghans. 😐

Friday, December 27, 2024

Go To Hell ...

 Another disconnected deranged raving from trump. President Biden commuted the death sentences of 37 people on federal death row and trump went ballistic. You could almost feel the spit fly from the pie hole of trump as he (trump) railed about Biden's commuting those death sentences. It should be noted that trump professes to be "pro life" except when it comes to migrants, minorities, rapists (curious that trump is a convicted rapist), and transgender convicts. Trump had to be administered a tranquilizer to calm his wild raving about Biden's commutations. The Secret Service had to jump on trump and hold him down until the tranquilizer took hold. Shameful no doubt. Now for Friday machine art. I can imagine that the SS had to use elephant tranqs on trump. Trump is a biomorphic meat sack after all.

babylon -

darken -

fate -

circuit 2 -

pedestrian -

simple -

meat -

with trump being at the cutting edge of dementia, I can't wait for the dummy to go apeshit at some public provocation and won't the trump handlers have fun trying to spin trump's behavior ... 😏

Thursday, December 26, 2024


 According to NPR and that would be National Public Radio which should not be confused with Radio Free Amerika. NPR is a long recognized radio thingy that had some credibility for reliable journalism. Of course that was back when and not today. Radio Free Amerika is the national propaganda service that broadcasts bullshit to the remainder of the world that is not affiliated with Amerika. Radio Free Amerika will soon be worse than it's bullshit propaganda, one Kari Lake lunatic bitch from Arizona, has been chosen by trump to head the RFA. The world will soon know how far Amerika has fallen from being a "beacon of liberty" and 'light of democracy' to the world. The world as we thought we knew it. Anyway and after a bit of digressing on my part, the NPR is telling the world that "interfaith couples", whatever in hell 'interfaith' may in fact mean, are celebrating an entirely new holiday to be known as "Chrismukkah." Yes you read that right. "Chrismukkah." A ridiculous and mostly pandering mashing of the regular "Christmas" and the Jewish tradition of "Hanukkah." I could not tell anyone why NPR felt the need to spit this meaningless crap-o-lah on to Xmas day but they did and that is additional reasoning to conclude that NPR is just as lost from reality as is just about everything else in our postmodern Amerika. I think I'm gonna start using a term 'trump-drunk' to try and inject some minimal understanding to what the fuck is happening in our Amerika at present. That's enough said for now. Thursday machine art is up right about now.

attack of snail people -

attack of snail people again -

boxes -

flame -

so the carnage is over for another year and January will soon be bringing those 'statements' that people can be expecting. good luck with that by the way ... 😐

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Merrily Xmas

 Yes my friends the big day is here. A day for children to unleash that good old Amerikan greed and put manners and civil behavior aside and plunge headlong into the Xmas unwrapping of the "gifts." Oh the Xmas gift chaos. Carnage. Plunder. And now we present to you ... Xmas and Wednesday machine art. Someone please cue the camel and let the reindeer head home. 

1 a -

3 a -

grifter -

happy -

epiphany -

so with this day being Xmas Day ... there is exactly one week left in 2024. live it up kids won't be too much longer and the reign of trump 2 shall begin in earnest ... 😐

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Xmas Even Steven

 Xmas Eve 2024. Quite possibly the last Xmas Eve we'll see in 2024. We will get to see a New Year's Eve in 2024. And then ... and then ... springing up ominously cometh 2025. Ewww, dang spooky no doubt. Amerika's new emperor will be installed on my birthday and I would rather our Amerika not bother. Put the freak in the day after but not on my birthday. We'll get a Chinese New Year January 29, 2025. There's something to look forward to. But and however, Xmas Eve 2024 so tuck your little chillens in bed, pat them on their little heads and remind them that by the time they wakey wakey, Santa will have come and gone. Leaving all the crap you went way out on a limb to charge on your Visa card. I'm sure the young'uns will be grateful. Sure sure. Now for Tuesday and Xmas Eve machine art.

sharp 1 -

sharp 3 -

under -

toontime -

orca -

comiq -

angst 1 -

angst 2 -

I have serious doubts that there will be any peace or relief from the ravages of wars come Xmas 2024. peace on earth is a twisted and sinister trick ... 😐