Wild Turkeys and I'm not referring to trump or the cult of maga. Nope. I am referring to wild turkeys that live in the Mojave Desert. I do love seeing the wild turkeys. Sighted about half a dozen on Friday while traversing the Old Spanish Trail. The Old Spanish Trails runs directly through my neighborhood and I think that is so cool. The Old Spanish Trail was used long before any white people showed up in the west. Anyway, the OST has been in continuous use for a dang long time. Originally was simply a foot trail. That would have been one rugged foot path. You'd wear out three or four pairs of feet walking the Trail for any length of time. Back to the turkeys ... wild turkeys are fairly large birds and they can be quite rude if push comes to shove. So don't try messing with them ... they will knock your ass down and then claw your face seriously severe requiring stitches and possibly those ugly metal staples. Having metal staples stapled to your face would leave a darn nasty scar. Anyway one more time, also got to see several bald eagles, a number of raptors of unidentified variety, a pair of kestrels and snow in the high country. We also got to see where it was mormons that massacred a band of intrepid covered wagoners from Arkansas. The mormons blamed the "incident" on Indians and considering that the Paiute people, who were blamed for the episode, and live in this part of our world are a quite peaceful and peace loving nation of First People, well, it didn't take long for the mormon story to get picked to pieces and the ugly episode was correctly written in history books. If you happen to travel through the Paiute Nation's territory, you can fuel up for a pump price that will shock you into the realization that the car driving segment of the America people are getting ripped off at the pump and THAT is shockingly an unreported news item. We didn't get to see any deer or elk and that wasn't really any big surprise ... deer and elk are up at the wee hours of the day and we generally are not. Now for some Sunday machine art.
marilyn -
horror -
mirrors -
buffalo -
arch -
vendor -
kiosk -
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it was a very nice day trip. no radio, no news, no trump, no maga cultists, and not so many drivers out on the old trail and that is certainly not a bad thing. 😏
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