Friday, October 11, 2024

So It's Friday, Let Treason Ring

 Yes Friends, the continuing saga of trump and his collusion, incitement to riot, sedition, and of course that ever popular high treason is making headline news once again. You see back when the Covid-19 horror had a cold hard grip on the testicles of our world, trump was making sure that Vlad Putin, the butcher of Ukraine, had enough American made Covid-19 test kits to keep Putin, his immediate family, and close associates tested and stamped clean and free off the Covid-19 and that came at the expense of Americans that weren't able to obtain Covid-19 test kits that might have possibly sparred American lives. Yes isn't trump simply a peach of an DuhMerican guy? Ummm ... possibly I overstate trump's true position in the annals of DuhMerican legend. Yes my friends, DuhMerica can shine that beacon of liberty for all the world to see the sheer scale of vulgar hypocrisy that is ... DuhMerica. Now we'll move it on over to Friday machine art and with any luck at all, trump will cack before November elections and that will surely be a blessing for our world.

gotham -

oaken -

somewhere a village is missing their idiot -

chaos -

start -

face on -

face off -

odyssey -

trump is an asshole and that much is an established FACT. the Kremlin confirmed the reports about trump sending Covid test kits to Putin. the fat treasonous fuck needs to be stood in front of a military firing squad and shot dead. stand the freak up and shoot him again ... 😎

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