Saturday, October 5, 2024

One Month And A Clock Ticks

Today marks an important start to the end of election cycle 2024. With today being Saturday October 5, 2024 we've got us exactly one month until November 5, 2024 and that will bring up the first Tuesday in November and Election Day. Some of America will head to election polling places to cast their civic duty as exercised by voting. Election 2024 will be one for the history books simply for the fact that this election could mark a serious change in the cultural ambivalence of the American people. It's trump vs Vice President Barbara Harris and the real deal will be 'IF' America can pull off this election without political violence and/or rioting by trump disciples. Things may very well get ugly and violently so and that is hardly anything to look forward to. C'est la vie. Saturday machine art is up right about now.

paris -

wounds -

beams -

pterra -

up armor -

patrol -

speaker -

cameroid -

won't be long until Halloween and it might be a good idea to get out there and trick to treats ... the Halloween malaise just might hang on long after the holiday. 😐

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