Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sights Most Amazing

 Have you ever had the privilege to be able to see the constellation Orion from the ink black darkness of the Virgin River Gorge? Amazing, thoroughly amazing. A dazzling slice of optical candy. Now for Tuesday machine art. 

consider -

now -

pretty -

lines -

travels -

gallop -

latch key -

handle -

seems a pity our world is infected with copious amounts of light pollution. just another reason to despise the corporate corruption of our world. 😐

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Climatology 1. 0h Shit

 According to the weather guys that are looking at the satellite imagery looking down on Planet Earth from space at the Atlantic Ocean with an emphasis on the Caribbean and Florida in particular, well, there's another hurricane ready to dump wet disaster on Florida and the surrounding locales. Wet whoopsies no doubt. So and according to those weather brainiacs, there are even more tropical "lows" forming with the potential to toss more wet disaster on Florida and the surrounding locales crossing the Atlantic AND there's not a thing wrong with our climate. Sure and you can take their word for it, our global climate is functioning as it should not. Thus begins the welcoming of a "new normal" climate wise and every dang last human and/or other living thing on our Planet Earth will have to suck it up and so it goes. I'm thinking once the "new climate" starts hitting the dummies in their pocket books, well, maybe a concerted effort to make some serious change just might happen. Maybe ... Did you know that homeowners in Florida can no longer get homeowners insurance for homes, property, and assorted whatevers? Sure the Florida climate is just fine ... not. I think that not being able to obtaining the homeowners insurance dealy will spread like a Californian wildfire. Which brings up an ancillary point, Californians can no longer obtain homeowners insurance on account of ... you guessed it ... wildfire. Gosh there must be some manner of conspiratorial weather bullshit at play here. Maybe ... Now for Sunday machine art. I really have very little empathy for Floridians as, they refused to listen or make necessary change. Pity ...

man son -

psychi -

bender -

candy -

turning -

entro pee -

she was -

boats -

I tend to bust on Florida for a simple reason which is, Floridians are really stupid and weird and ever so easy to pick on. this climate mess is global and that makes the changing climate a concern for everyone. 😐

Saturday, October 5, 2024

One Month And A Clock Ticks

Today marks an important start to the end of election cycle 2024. With today being Saturday October 5, 2024 we've got us exactly one month until November 5, 2024 and that will bring up the first Tuesday in November and Election Day. Some of America will head to election polling places to cast their civic duty as exercised by voting. Election 2024 will be one for the history books simply for the fact that this election could mark a serious change in the cultural ambivalence of the American people. It's trump vs Vice President Barbara Harris and the real deal will be 'IF' America can pull off this election without political violence and/or rioting by trump disciples. Things may very well get ugly and violently so and that is hardly anything to look forward to. C'est la vie. Saturday machine art is up right about now.

paris -

wounds -

beams -

pterra -

up armor -

patrol -

speaker -

cameroid -

won't be long until Halloween and it might be a good idea to get out there and trick to treats ... the Halloween malaise just might hang on long after the holiday. 😐

Friday, October 4, 2024

Gamma Radiation Thunderstorm Hijinx

Did you know that large thunderstorms generate gamma radiation? Well those large thunderstorms do generate gamma radiation and scientists have confirmed the premise. Gamma radiation would be those pesky little killer particles that come shooting in from outer space, nuclear weapons detonations, and thunderstorms. Go figure. To be exact at this point those thunderstorms studied were tropical thunderstorms. Go figure one more time. Gamma radiation is also famous for being radiation that is spit out from those ever so elusive black holes in space that literally befuddle astronomers, astrophysicists, and Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. In just about any amount or dose, gamma radiation will kill you dead. As if there was any other manner of death. If you get killed, well, you'll be dead without question. Gamma radiation is some nasty shit and there is very little question about that. But with gamma radiation being spit out of thunderstorms and tropical thunderstorms to be clearly specific, the news changes a perspective heretofore unconsidered. This recently announced discovery of thunderstorm radiation indicates that it might be a good idea to keep your distance while a tropical thunderstorm is spitting out gamma radiation and of course those really nasty lightning bolts. see attached -

With thunderstorm radiation hitting the news, well, that will certainly change up the dynamic regarding thunderstorms in general and of course those tropical thunderstorm that occur during hurricanes. It will no longer be the flooding and wind damage people have to worry about. Nope. Now you'll need a dang radiation suit to be able to watch a ripping thunderstorm or live through a hurricane. Go figure. Now for some Friday machine art. 

tricks -

tricked -

qasbah -

house -

flies -

whens -

feral -

bigger -

I always thought that a really cranked up thunderstorm could kill you if you were being modestly stupid. well, now there's scientific proof positive that the dang storms will not only kill you, the storms will fuck you up for a long time to come. 😐

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Another Day Another Federal Charge

 Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has taken on the ugly task of prosecuting trump. Not only does Special Prosecutor Jack Smith have to take on the legal bullshit offered up by the trump lawyers, Jack Smith must take on the godforsaken United States Supreme Court. Damnably ugly turn of affairs no doubt. The Federal Judge overseeing the trump prosecution, one Judge Tanya Chutkan, is proving to be an honest broker of federal justice in this stupid case of trump treason. The unsealed court documents that Jack Smith filed with the Court provide a damning look inside the trump treason and takes the case in point to it's ugly conclusion. Trump and 'team trump' were actively engaged in high treason and that prosecution will continue on Judge Chutkan's terms. Spot on no doubt. Now for Thursday machine art.

skyfall -

depths -

meta 4 -

hangs -

roidal -

tag -

heresy -

agonize -

be the tag - 😎

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Cutting Edge Of Human Indecency

 There's a 'buckaroo' Montanan chump that has been in the business of "wildlife trafficking" and this heartless tale of 'Cowboy Dr. Frankenstein turns States' evidence' is one for the books. One Arthur 'Jack' Schubarth, 81, of Vaughn, Montana is/was owner/operator of Sun River Enterprises LLC, aka Schubarth Ranch. The ranch was in the business of purchase, sale, and breeding of "alternative livestock" which is then sold to captive hunting operations, also known as game ranches. So this freak was in conspiracy with five other asshats to gather "tissue samples, testicles, semen, lab created fetuses for implantation in accommodating wombs, and presto just like tales from Mary Shelley, monster hybrid sheep that are the largest ungulate on the Planet. Cowboy Frankenstein created monster hybrid sheep that, evidently, comes with a dang pricey if not profitable price tag. Turning handsome profits for 'Jack' and the owner/operators of those godawful 'game ranches' that are located not coincidentally, in Minnesota and Texas. Trophy hunters pony up serious cash for the "privilege" of killing captive game animals and those "hunters" are the likes of the Trump boys and the assorted scion of billionaire fuckers and their ilk. Kudos to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for taking these corrupt assholes down and putting the federal hurt on the bastards right where it hurts them the worst. The pocket book. This sleazy crap is connected to the black market sales of First Nation antiquities, eagle feathers, and speaks volumes about the depth of human indecency, corruption, privilege, and depravity. Jesus ... there is some serious shit wrong with "America." Now for Wednesday machine art. Please someone ... cue the camel.

study -

covers -

novel -

sighs -

story -

tales -

ulysses -

hello -

the American West is rife with this manner of corrupt human deviance. money is after all the root of all manner of human insanity and freakish deviant behavior. this bullshit doesn't come close to the 'militia' insanity the trumpers are engaged in and practice weekly under the radar playing at being a "well regulated militia." some scary damn bullshit no doubt. 😐

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Almost X-mas ... ?

 October 1, 2024 and X-mas is now only a shade more than two months off. Dang if'n time doesn't just fly. You can tell we're getting close to X-mas, decorations and trees are on sale at WalMart and toy displays will unveil any day now. With all the pre X-mas crap starting off, the election 2024 is now only days away. You can tell the election is getting close by the utter slander passing as campaign rhetoric. A naked and 43 foot tall statue/puppet of trump was erected along side of northbound I-15 outside Vegas over the weekend and Nevada republicans went apeshit as did several members of an aghast public that got an opportunity to view the statue/puppet. There was next to no media scrutiny as Monday broke over Clark County, Nevada and that's hardly surprising. The naked trump is anatomically correct and more than unsightly. I'm thinking no one wants to see trump naked and melanoma trump can attest to that view. The naked trump was erected by a group calling themselves 'indecline'. I did see photographs of naked trump and just about all those photos were from foreign media outlets. Go figure. Anyway, the naked trump did give people something to gossip about besides trump going batshit crazy about a fly. Now for Monday machine art and with any luck, America will get to see gigantic naked trump move. The statue is a puppet no less. 

construct -

sprinkles -

covert -

fairly -

reds -

chasm -

pen -

library -

you've got to admit that a 43 foot tall statue/puppet of naked trump does give people something to talk about. 😏