Monday, August 24, 2020

at the mountains of Vincent's madness

pretty dang spiffy title for a Monday. yes here it is Monday all over again. week after week it's the same old grind, Monday then Tuesday then blah blah blah. to make matters even worse, it's trump week at the rnc, there will be so much bullshit ladled up this week that the cows won't bother to come home. anyway, at least you'll have some unreality television to watch. or ignore which is the plan I've whipped up as I'm simply sick to death of trump and his sycophant enablers. every last one of them including trump can fuck off and die. that'd work for me. onward...
mountains -

Vincent's madness -

everyone should be aware by now that Vincent wasn't mad. not by a long stretch. Vincent had simply copped an attitude on account of no one appreciated his genius, work, attempts to explain all that, and he had a damn nasty fight with his best friend in the entire world. That'd leave anyone spoiling for trouble. the man was brilliant and could paint better than all the rest of the art poseurs. talk about an attitude.
"on that starry starry night
you took your life as lovers often do
but I could have told you Vincent
this world was never meant for one
as beautiful as you"
thank you Don McLean

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