I had me a birthday about three weeks back. The birthday was one of those milestones that one mostly never thinks about. Talk about a milestone. I never in my wildest dreams figured I'd hit 70. Yup, seventy freaking years old. I am now and officially an old fart.
Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate making it this far. There were times when advancing in age seemed a remote if not impossible journey. However and in spite of much personal stupidity, I made it.
Being an old fart gives one a different perspective on life, the universe, and everything. Things like worrying about war. War gonna happen and there's not too very much the just ordinary and out of the loop folk can do. Go ahead and protest, the warmongers and dumbass politicians are NOT listening. No they are not.
You see, the warmongers and dumbass politicians make a boat load of money off of war. Yes they do. Simple and regular folk along with the sorry chumps that volunteer for war don't make any money off of war. The sorry chumps that volunteer for war end up losing more than they'd ever bargained for.
Sorry, I got a bit off topic. Birthdays and milestones.
So I had me a birthday and turned 70. Damn and go figure! It mostly still feels like being 19 but not so limber as back in the day. Well and lots of prescriptions and visits to the doctor. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Keep waking up I suppose and be grateful for that. Sure as hell beats the alternative. Oh yeah.
Fucking Old Guy...that'd be me.
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